
In: Computer Science

Write a program in a language of your choice to perform a search using the A*...

Write a program in a language of your choice to perform a search using the A* algorithm for the eight puzzle problem, in which numbers may be shifted one space at a time to transform the initial state into the goal state (see p. 103 – 3rd Ed., pp. 105-106 – 2nd Ed. of the text).

2. a)

Use the start state-goal state combination given in pp. 103, Figure 3.28 (3rd Ed.), [pp. 105,

Figure 4.7 (2rd Ed.)], as (start_1, goal_1) (see page 2).

  1. b) Use a new start state, which is given in page 2, the same goal state (start_2, goal_1).

  2. c) Use a different goal state (the blank is now at the bottom right corner - see page 2),

    and the same start state as part a (start_1, goal_2).

  3. d) Use a the same start state as part b, and the same goal state as part c

    (start_2, goal_2) (see page 2).

  4. e) Also use { (start_3, goal_1), (start_3, goal_2), (start_3, goal_3), (start_1, goal_3),

    (start_2, goal_3) } pairs given in page 2.

  1. Use two different set of heuristic functions to estimate distance from the goal
    (See pp. 103 – 3rd Ed, p. 106 – 2nd Ed.)
    h1: the number of misplaced tiles
    h2: the sum of the distances of tiles from their goal positions (Manhattan distance)

  2. Write a report comparing the performance of the two heuristics on the nine different sets of (start_x, goal_x) combinations of part 2.

    Performance measure: the length of the solution path (from the start state to the goal), and the actual time it takes to find the solution (i.e., to reach the goal state).


Expert Solution

from copy import deepcopy

class puzzle:
    def __init__ (self, starting, parent):
        self.board = starting
        self.parent = parent
        self.f = 0
        self.g = 0
        self.h = 0

def manhattan(self):
        h = 0
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                x, y = divmod(self.board[i][j], 3)
                h += abs(x-i) + abs(y-j)
        return h

    def goal(self):
        inc = 0
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                if self.board[i][j] != inc:
                    return False
                inc += 1
        return True

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self.board == other.board

def move_function(curr):
    curr = curr.board
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            if curr[i][j] == 0:
                x, y = i, j
    q = []
    if x-1 >= 0:
        b = deepcopy(curr)
        succ = puzzle(b, curr)
    if x+1 < 3:
        b = deepcopy(curr)
        succ = puzzle(b, curr)
    if y-1 >= 0:
        b = deepcopy(curr)
        succ = puzzle(b, curr)
    if y+1 < 3:
        b = deepcopy(curr)
        succ = puzzle(b, curr)

    return q

def best_fvalue(openList):
    f = openList[0].f
    index = 0
    for i, item in enumerate(openList):
        if i == 0: 
        if(item.f < f):
            f = item.f
            index  = i

    return openList[index], index

def AStar(start):
    openList = []
    closedList = []

    while openList:
        current, index = best_fvalue(openList)
        if current.goal():
            return current

        X = move_function(current)
        for move in X:
            ok = False   #checking in closedList
            for i, item in enumerate(closedList):
                if item == move:
                    ok = True
            if not ok:              #not in closed list
                newG = current.g + 1 
                present = False

                #openList includes move
                for j, item in enumerate(openList):
                    if item == move:
                        present = True
                        if newG < openList[j].g:
                            openList[j].g = newG
                            openList[j].f = openList[j].g + openList[j].h
                            openList[j].parent = current
                if not present:
                    move.g = newG
                    move.h = move.manhattan()
                    move.f = move.g + move.h
                    move.parent = current

    return None

#start = puzzle([[2,3,6],[0,1,8],[4,5,7]], None)
start = puzzle([[5,2,8],[4,1,7],[0,3,6]], None)
# start = puzzle([[0,1,2],[3,4,5],[6,7,8]], None)
#start = puzzle([[1,2,0],[3,4,5],[6,7,8]], None)
result = AStar(start)
noofMoves = 0

if(not result):
    print ("No solution")
    while t:
        noofMoves += 1
print ("Length: " + str(noofMoves))

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