
In: Psychology

Consider the work of an air traffic controller or an emergency room physician. Both jobs require...

Consider the work of an air traffic controller or an emergency room physician. Both jobs require alertness, quick thinking, and sound judgment in the making of a constant stream of life-or-death decisions. This process occurs with every worker’s shift, day after day. Imagine the impact of such an ongoing responsibility on cognitive functioning.

Stress has profound effects on cognitive functions, such as decision making, occasionally altering the brain in surprising ways. Stress symptoms may lead to prominent clinical characteristics, which often go beyond anxiety and fear. Stress hormones can affect neurotransmitter systems in the brain, causing physical changes in some cases. The hippocampus, for example, can atrophy as a result of chronic stress.

For this Discussion, consider effects of stress on cognitive functions. Then think about a time when stress affected your cognitive functions.

With these thoughts in mind:

Post a brief explanation of how stress affects cognitive functions, including the roles of the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex.

Then provide examples of situations when stress affected your attention, memory, problem solving, or decision making.

Finally, explain how you might mitigate the effects of stress on cognitive functions.


Expert Solution

Stress: The word itself defining the meaning of it, stress which is felt by each and everyone no matter she or he is a child, teenager or adult.

Then what is stress, how we can say that this is a stress period or situation?

Stress: is the way of responding of the body to any kind of reaction. When we sense danger, unsafety it might be real or imagined, then according to the situation we respond or just give an automatic reaction for a defence that termed as the stress response.

Now, it is happening to everyone that a person is under stress he/she will not able to do things properly, correctly, with full concentration and as result, it might affecting himself or others too.

As per my experience, when my aunt met with one accident and I was in college at that time, I got information through me Dean sir. After that I had a presentation of my project, I was fully prepared, I was knowing each and every word of those slides because I had my a long time on that presentation preparation but after getting that news I was like I m forgetting everything, when I entered the presentation room I was sweating, I was stressed, and after when start speaking all were mixed I was not happy with my presentation, after coming out from room I was crying like a child, but after some time, at last, I got the chance to present once more that was good.

So, I felt that stress is affecting our body in a large amount, It happened with me just 30min before then I got affected this much, let think who is carrying the stress all time what happens to them.

Because stress they are losing their interest of working just they want to finish it anyhow no accuracy in the work, they are not able to relate the things easily, memory problem as well or we can say many problems come with stress in the human body.

After that incidence, I learnt that by taking stress we can't do anything properly. So better to be calm, stay with the patient that all thing will be or there is no control of the mine in that situation, God will take care of that.

I used to take a deep breath, try some medication, or possible to go for walk in the park where breeze touches your face you feel lighter when you feel lighter believe me you will get more thoughts, ideas to deal with stress.

In each and everyone's life stress used to affect the working but we can deal with the easier way by keeping yourself calm or try to be calm to handle the situation.

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