
In: Psychology

Propose a narrative research study in criminal justice that is of interest to you. Include the...

Propose a narrative research study in criminal justice that is of interest to you. Include the following areas in your research proposal: Topic: Research Questions: Hypothesis: Null Hypothesis: Research Design (how you will collect your research data):


Expert Solution

Topic: Health of criminals in custody rooms and their living.

Hypothesis: Criminals encounter a poor health and hygiene status after getting released from jails after their sentence term is over. The criminals belonged to Black and Puerto Rico regions. There are increased chances of acquiring AIDS virus leading to HIV infection. They are prone to infection after using infected needles in dirty chambers where they are kept during their rehabilitation.

Null hyopothesis testing and research designing: includes the analysis of the barriers which prevent them from returning them to their communities. It includes the study of Frank theory of Chaos. The study included statistical study in Bronx, New York, USA which has a high rate of unemployment, high rate of risk of diseases from poor health facilities and huge amounts of criminal activity. There are increased chances of acquiring Hepatitis disease in the offspring. It includes a survey of the prevalent scenarios with an understanding of the problems and situations in which they faced such a situation in life. General education development plans are implemented to discuss their situations and case studies with rehabilitation and social awareness programs for them. It included diagnosis of patients with their urine and other samples analysis. The designing with include a statistical survey of the parameters like mean, mode and median with psychological tests for analyzing the mental condition of these patients. Juror decision scale, stress scale, depression and anxiety scale is used for analyzing the condition of these criminal volunteers. The age ,sex, weight, height, index, criminal and ancestor history of the patients is recorded and analyzed in detail. The gender and community differences with changes in cultural background is analyzed in detail with careful study of their criminal behavior and intend in life. The other reasons like social stigma, suffocation, lack of care and social solitude are other problems related to growing incidences of social trauma and criminal behavior in society. Cultural homicide and suicidal tendencies were also reported and analyzed in detail. Coding procedures for their experiances are recorded in detail in a book containing the necessary information about their criminal history and background in life. Scott pi anaysis, Spearmann rho analysis, and pearson coefficient is analyzed for the graphical depictions in life. Different bivariate and multivariate analysis with correlation and regression values is analyzed and discussed in detail. Various triangulation research designs are used for the analysis of problems faced by criminals in society. Higher rates of economic deprivation leads to higher rates of homicide and suicidal tendencies in life.

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