
In: Computer Science

Design Activity #1—Project Proposal: In the designated project activity Word file, please create a written report...

Design Activity #1—Project Proposal: In the designated project activity Word file, please create a written report (single-spaced, minimum of 600 additional words, small paragraphs) that describes a new proposed product for a B2C or B2B app. Your report should include the following sections: Title of your project, Author name & date, Description of the intended product (the intended look and feel of the product (via a simple sketch), and how it will function for the user), Intended delivery platform (PC, smart phone, etc.), Description of the intended user audience, Rationale for the product (what market need is being addressed), How you might go about designing your product, How you might go about developing your product. Please be sure to include sub-headings (underlined) and a line space between each section of your report.


Expert Solution


What is B2B&B2C?

B2B and B2C use different business models.B2B apps often offer a subscription service to the organization. B2C apps are usually free of charge, but still profitable because they provide space to advertisers, sell extras in the app, or are a subscription service.

What is the difference between b2b and b2c applications on the Internet?

B2B” stands for “business to business,” while “B2C” means “business to consumer.”B2B businesses sell products and services directly to other businesses. Or, more specifically, they sell to the decision makers in any particular business. ... B2C businesses sell products and services to customers for personal use.

What is an example of b2c?

The definition of business-to-consumer sales refers to a sales model in which business target individual consumers. Examples of B2C sales reps would be sales reps selling cars, gym memberships, or stereo systems. ... It can also include e-commerce sites such as Zappos, which sells shoes and apparel online.

What are examples of b2b?

Examples of real-world B2B activity are plentiful and more visible than you might guess. For instance, the cloud-based document storage company Dropbox serves businesses as well as individuals. General Electric makes plenty of consumer goods, but it also provides parts to other enterprises

B2B vs B2C Marketing: 5 Differences Every Marketer Needs to Know

Most of the time, B2B (also known as business-to-business) marketing focuses on logical process-driven purchasing decisions, while B2C (also known as business-to-consumer) marketing focuses on emotion-driven purchasing decisions

1. Customer relationships

B2B: Build personal relationships

B2C: Establish transactional relationships

2. Branding

B2C: Prioritize your message

B2B: Focus on relationships

3. Decision-Making Process

B2B: Maintain open communication

B2C: Simplify the process

4. Audience Targeting

B2B: Find your niche

B2C: Follow the funnel

5. Ad copy

B2B: Learn the lingo

B2C: Write emotional ads

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