
In: Computer Science

Python: Word Frequencies (Concordance) 1. Use a text editor to create a text file (ex: myPaper.txt)...


Word Frequencies (Concordance)

1. Use a text editor to create a text file (ex: myPaper.txt) It should contain at least 2 paragraphs with around 200 or more words.

2. Write a Python program ( that

  • asks the user to provide the name of the text file. Be SURE to check that it exists!
    Do NOT hard-code the name of the file! Use the entry provided by the user!
  • read from the text file
  • NOTE: (write your program so that it ONLY works if it reads from the file specified by the user).

3. Your program will produce a dictionary of words with the number of times each occurs. It maps a word to the number of times the word occurs

  • Key: a word
  • Value: the number of times the word occurs in the text. The report should be an ALPHABETIZED output table, listing the word and the number of occurrences.


  • The input sequence can be words, numbers or any other immutable Python object, suitable for a dict key.
  • Ignore case – apple is the same as Apple is the same as APPLE, etc.
  • Discard all punctuation and extra white space (newlines, tabs, blanks, etc.).
  • Put the words into a dictionary. The first time a word is seen, the frequency is 1. Each time the word is seen again, increment the frequency. NOTE: you are REQUIRED to use the dictionary class for this assignment.
  • Produce a frequency table. To alphabetize the frequency table, extract just the keys and sort them. This sorted sequence of keys can be used to extract the counts from the dict.
  • Make sure that your output (the table) is formatted so that the columns are aligned, and so that there are titles for each column.
  • Be sure to modularize your code, using functions appropriately.
  • The main function should be clean and easy to read, calling the functions with meaningful names. Pass parameters – do not use global variables.

BONUS +5 pts:

  • Create a menu-driven front-end to this application.
    • First, populate the dictionary from the file
    • Next, provide a menu that allows the user to
      • Add words to the dictionary
                after asking the user for the word to add
                Note: the count should increase if the word is already there)
      • Check if a word is already in the dictionary
      • Delete a word from the dictionary after asking the user for the word to delete
      • Print the dictionary entries in table form as described above.
  • Allow the user to continue using the menu until they choose the option to quit.


Expert Solution

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Thu Oct  8 11:05:06 2020

@author: SYED ZUBAIR

import os
import string
filename = str(input("enter the name of the file : "))
if  os.path.isfile("C:/Users/Syed Zubair/Documents/{0}.txt".format(filename)):
    print("FILE EXISTS ")
    f= open(filename, 'r') 
    d = dict()
    for line in f: 
        line = line.strip() 
    # Convert the characters in line to  
    # lowercase to avoid case mismatch 
        line = line.lower() 
    # Remove the punctuation marks from the line 
        line = line.translate(line.maketrans("", "", string.punctuation)) 
    # Split the line into words 
        words = line.split(" ") 
        for word in words: 
            if word in d: 
               d[word] = d[word] + 1
               d[word] = 1

     for key in list(d.keys()): 
         print(key, ":", d[key]) 
    print("FILE DOES NOT EXIST")


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