
In: Statistics and Probability

Do long prison sentences result in a lower crime rate? You divide 24 states where you...

Do long prison sentences result in a lower crime rate? You divide 24 states where you have violent crime rate data into how severe their punishments are for violent felonies into three groups:

(1) Low Severity (sentences on average for violent offenses are less than 5 years)

(2) Medium Severity (sentences on average for violent offenses are between 5 and 10 years)

(3) High Severity (sentences on average for violent offenses are more than 10 years)

Then, using the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports you get the violent crime rate for these 24 states.

Here are your data where each entry is the rate of violent crime in that state in 2014:

Low Severity

Medium Severity

High Severity

























Xbar= 7.825

Xbar = 10.800

Xbar = 11.112

n1 = 8

n2  = 8

n3 = 8

xbar = 9.91

  1. Step 1 (1pt each; 2pts total)

- H0 =  

- H1 =

  1. Step 2 (1pt each; 2pts total)
  • Type of test:
  • Distribution:
  1. Step 3 (1pt total)
  • α = .01 (given to you)
  • critical value:
  1. Step 4 The observed value is 12.633 (given to you)
  2. Step 5: Make a decision about the null hypothesis; interpret the results (1pt each; 2pts total)


Expert Solution


Ho: µ1=µ2=µ3  
H1: not all means are equal  


One way ANOVA


count, ni = 8 8 8
mean , x̅ i = 7.825 10.80 11.11
std. dev., si = 0.544 1.672 1.777
sample variances, si^2 = 0.296 2.797 3.158
total sum 62.6 86.4 88.9 237.9
grand mean , x̅̅ = Σni*x̅i/Σni =   9.91
square of deviation of sample mean from grand mean,( x̅ - x̅̅)² 4.358 0.788 1.440
SS(between)= SSB = Σn( x̅ - x̅̅)² = 34.861 6.301 11.520 52.6825
SS(within ) = SSW = Σ(n-1)s² = 2.075 19.580 22.109 43.7637
no. of treatment , k = 3
df between = k-1 = 2
N = Σn = 24
df within = N-k = 21
mean square between groups , MSB = SSB/k-1 = 26.3413
mean square within groups , MSW = SSW/N-k = 2.0840
F-stat = MSB/MSW = 12.6398
SS df MS F p-value F-critical
Between: 52.68 2 26.34 12.633 0.0002 5.78
Within: 43.76 21 2.08
Total: 96.45 23
α = 0.01
conclusion : p-value<α , reject null hypothesis    


F-stat> critical value, reject Ho  

Thanks in advance!

revert back for doubt

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