
In: Psychology

14) What is a scientific Theory? Rank order the following scientific theories and give a brief...

14) What is a scientific Theory? Rank order the following scientific theories and give a brief description of why you ranked them the way you did: a. Gravitational Field Theory b. Multiple Intelligences theory c. Evolutionary theory


Expert Solution

The Scientific theory is nothing but detailed explanation about anything in te living world and it can be tested repeatedly by using scientific method.

The scientific theory is a from work for observations and facts. Theory may change or the way that they are interpreted may change but the facts themselves don't change.

I can rank the three theories accordingly.

First : Evolutionary Theory : Darwin showed that the intricate complexity of life and the intricate relationships among life forms could emerge and survive from natural process, with no need for a designer or an ark. He opened the human mind to pursuing natural science unimpaired by supernatural prejudice. His theory was so revolutionary that many scientists tried to prove his theory wrong but none of them disproved his hypothesis.

Second Multiple intelligences theory: This teory has identified multiple distinct intelligences, so that students learn, remember, perform and understand in different ways. It has been criticized for relating talents, personality traits and abilities for intelligence. Despite of such critics the theory is widely utilized by many educational institutions and results also apparent.

Third Gravitational field theory : This theory simply states gravity is a gematric property of space time that is allowed to be curved. It further describe the relationship between the geometry of a four dimensional description of space time and the energy momentum contained in that space time. His theory was criticized by many scintists and developed many advanced theory to disprove his hypothesis.

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