
In: Computer Science

•Use commented pseudo-code to describe a process for each of the following: 1)Assigning a shopper to...

•Use commented pseudo-code to describe a process for each of the following:

1)Assigning a shopper to one of several checkout lines based on:

•the number of shoppers already in each line, and

•the number of items in the shopper’s cart, and

•the type of items (e.g., “Food”, “Clothing”, “Housewares”, etc.)

2)Assigning a new student into the correct desk in a room of students seated in alphabetical order

•Design classes (attributes and methods) for the following data structures:




Expert Solution

Pseudo Code for stacks -

   // Function to push data into the stack
      // check if stack is full, if yes then stack overflow problem occurs
      if Stack-Full(S)
      then error "overflow"
      // if stack is not full then add the element on the top most poition
      else top(S) = top(S) + 1
           S[top(S)] = x

   // function to remove data from the stack
      // check if stack is empty, if yes then stack underflow problem occurs
      if Stack-Empty(S)
      then error "underflow"
      // if stack is not empty then decrease the top index by -1, this removes the element on top of the stack
      else top(S) = top(S) - 1
           return S[top(S) + 1]

   // function to check whether the stack is empty or not
      if top(S) = 0
      then return True
      else return False

   // function to check whether the stack is full or not
      if top(S) = length(S)
      then return True
      else return False
   // Driver Code
      Stack S
      // Add element to the stack
      Push(S, 4)
      // Add element to the stack
      Push(S, 3)

      // Add element to the stack
      Push(S, 2)

      // Remove the element from the stack

      // Remove the element from the stack

Psuedo code for Queue -

      // Check if queue is full or not, if full then overflow problem occurs
      if Queue-Full(Q)
      then error "overflow"
      else Q[tail(Q)] = x
           // if queue is not full then add the element at the end of the queue
           if tail(Q) = length(Q)
           then tail(Q) = 1
           else tail(Q) = tail(Q) + 1

      // Check if queue is empty or not, if empty then underflow problem occurs
      if Queue-Empty(Q)
      then error "underflow"
      else x = Q[head(Q)]
           // if queue is not empty then remove the first 
           // element by increasing the FIRST index by 1 such that it now points to the second element
           if head(Q) = length(Q)
           then head(Q) = 1
           else head(Q) = head(Q) + 1
      return x

   // Function to check if queue is full or not
      if tail(Q) = length(Q)
      then n = 1
      else n = tail(Q) + 1
      if n = head(Q)
      then return True
      else return False

   // Function to check if queue is empty or not
      if head(Q) = tail(Q)
      then return True
      else return False

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