
In: Psychology

the best of freud and psychoanalysis

the best of freud and psychoanalysis


Expert Solution

Sigmund Freud is a world-famous psychologist. He directed the branch of psychology in a new way. He explained how sex plays a key role in human life. He explained how the unconscious influences human behavior.

The Best of Freud:

  • Sigmund Freud divided the human mind into 3 types. Those are Conscious mind, unconscious mind, and Subconscious mind. This is the greatest invention of Sigmund Freud.
  • Sigmund Freud introduced the concept of defense mechanisms. This explained why people are living in false conclusions.
  • Sigmund Freud wrote a book " interpretation of dreams". This explained how can we overcome our personal problems by understanding our dreams.
  • He explained the influence of childhood experiences on psychological problems.
  • He explained the psychosexual theory. That theory explains how sex driving our lives.


The psychoanalysis theory divided human personalities into 3 types. Id, ego, and superego.

Id: Pleasure principle is the origin of Id behavior. This behavior will try to complete needs and desires irrespective of situational factors. Mostly children will have this behavior.

Ego: Ego behavior is the indication for maturity of the person. People will fulfill their desires and needs by considering situational factors.

Super Ego: Super ego behavior maintains cultural values, moral values, ethical values, etc.

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