
In: Psychology

In what ways has learning about psychology changed the way you feel about the discipline? What...

In what ways has learning about psychology changed the way you feel about the discipline? What information in this class had the greatest impact on the way you think about psychology? How will you apply this new knowledge in the future? Do you think it is necessary for a person in your field of study to learn psychology and neuroscience? Explain your answer.


Expert Solution

  • It's food for my brain. I love understanding humans - behaviours, perspectives, habits, thinking, actions, characters, personalities, etc. It's all extremely interesting to me.And after studying it definitely overcame the myth that its all about mind reading,which we all heard when we were chidren.
  • Psychology is nothing like reading minds,its all about discovering human nature and its complexities and even self discovering.Reading so many concepts,researches,articles,theories etc. has opened my mind to an understanding of human emotions,why we do certain things,how we make decisions,how we perceive things,why we perceive it in a particular manner etc.
  • Understandling relationships,emotions,being socially active,making contributions to the society for your personal growth all has been taught by psychology to me.
  • It has definitely changed my perceptions about the discipline and for me its no more a subject,its a tool to find yourself and develop yourself as an individual.To become aware of ones strengths and weaknesses and goals and realise whats important in life and why.
  • Psychology taught me a way of life and opened my mind towards a realm of knowledge and experiences.
  • Due to time limit,remaining questions can be asked as another question,they will be answered,thankyou for your cooperation

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