
In: Operations Management

What do you think about my thought? Who is the best listener you have ever known?...

What do you think about my thought?

Who is the best listener you have ever known? Describe what that person does that makes him or her so good at listening.

Nowadays, it seems like getting someone to actually listen to what you are saying is like a chore. However, the person in my life I would find to be the best listener I have ever known would be my long-time friend Luana. Everyone has issues in their lives, but whenever I have one she puts hers aside and listens to what I have to say. My pet peeve has always been people who interrupt, and she makes sure I am done talking before she gives me her opinion or advice on something. It seems as though she takes in everything I am saying before speaking back to me which I really appreciate. I can always tell her replies to me are very thought out and she actually considers what she is going to say instead of saying what she thinks will make me happy. However, even if her reply isn’t exactly what I want to hear because we all know the truth can hurt sometimes, she never says anything in a condescending or offensive way. I find that miscommunication happens when people say things like “Well I understand but this is how I feel” or “Yeah that sucks but this happened to me”, she never makes me feel that way and always lets me talk out my frustrations even when we are both in a difficult situation like we are during this time for example. She has taught me a lot about communication throughout the many years I have known her.


Expert Solution

A Thumbs Up! Would be really helpful for me. If you have any questions, please leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

I absolutely agree with the thought that 'good listening can solve many problems'.

in my case, the best listener would be my mother as she listens to me carefully and patiently and replies to me after I have completed. Never interrupt when I am talking and she never starts her story in between I talk. So it is definitely true to say that someone listening patiently or if someone is a good listener, this can be really helpful and can solve many problems.

Here I am going to describe the ways in which a person can make him or her a good listener or so good at listening:-

1) FULLY PRESENT MIND:- the most important trait of a good listener is that they are completely and fully present when they are listening to someone. They listen carefully to someone's talking and are fully present with their mind.

2) PATIENCE:- patience is also the most important trait of a good listener. Being patient means they don't feel irritated and are listening to the speaker properly.

3) REACTING ON TIME:- reacting on time is the very important trait of a good listener as reacting before they have completed their talking could be a bad trait, but reacting after they have completed their talking is the important trait so that the speaker doesn't feel interrupted.

4) NOT USING OFFENSIVE LANGUAGE:- being a good listener means keeps on motivating the speaker and never using the offensive language that can motivate the speaker and can lower their morale.

5) DO NOT JUMP TO TWO CONCLUSIONS:- a good listener would never jump to the conclusions directly without listening properly to someone. Jumping onto the conclusion would never give the desired results.

6) NEVER INTERRUPTS:- a good listener would never interrupt in between the talking as he or she would first listen properly and carefully to someone's talk and after they have completed they would give their opinion.

7) ACTIVE BODY LANGUAGE:- it is really important that the body language while listening to someone's stock should be active and not lousy and slouchy. active body language shows that we are listening properly and carefully.

8) SEEMS INTERESTED:- a good listener should seem interested in someone's talking to make sure that they feel comfortable around us as if the listener does not seem interested the speaker would feel uncomfortable and demotivated.

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