
In: Operations Management

What impact do you think permitting employees to use their own mobile devices to perform company...

What impact do you think permitting employees to use their own mobile devices to perform company work has on the job satisfaction of these employees? Would it improve productivity? Why or Why Not? What other concerns could arise?


Expert Solution

1. If the employees are provided with their own mobile devices to perform company work, they will find it easy to work and as they are used to their devices, they will be comfortable working on the same. Following description helps:

a) Ease in communication: if any doubt is encountered, they can easily communicate with co workers using emails, calls to help solve it.

b) Comfortable: they are extremely comfortable with the user interface. The user interface may vary depending on type of OS like android, mac etc.

c) Effectiveness and efficient: the work done will be effective and real quick.

d) Navigation: employees would easily navigate from one application to another in order to complete an assigned work.

e) Updated: they would remain updated about other colleagues and situations operating in the company.

Thus they would be completely satisfied.

2. If all the above points are met, then it will certainly increase the productivity. In case not, other mechanism shout be sought by company.

3. It would increase productivity as the employees would now be more comfortable, effective, efficient, more informed etc. as mentioned in the point 2.

4. Concerns that could arise

a) Security: the systems should be secure and should not be hackable by external sources and misused then.

b) Confidentiality: the data of organization may get leaked by employees intentionally or non intentionally. This can lead to losses in the business for the organization.

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