Chapter 8 1. Which of control signal lines can be used in the off-chip memory expansion...

Chapter 8
1. Which of control signal lines can be used in the off-chip memory expansion of MCS-51 single chip microcomputer ? Please explain the functions of each control
signal line.
10. In single chip microcomputer, we use one chip EPROM2764 and one
SRAM6264 to expand memory storage. Assume the initial address of ROM is 000H, and the initial address of RAM is 2000H. Please draw the system circuit scheme, then show the address range clearly.

In: Electrical Engineering

Discuss Moore’s law and provide examples of how it affects companies.

Discuss Moore’s law and provide examples of how it affects companies.

In: Electrical Engineering

1.       ________ is a line coding technique in which a logical “1” or “0” is represented...

1.       ________ is a line coding technique in which a logical “1” or “0” is represented by a voltage transition (e.g., low-to-high or high-to-low voltages) in the middle of the clock cycle.

a. NRZ

b. Manchester

c. Bipolar AMI

d. B8ZS

10 points   


1.       By using 4B/5B, you introduce 20% overhead.



10 points   


1.       Which timing and data synchronization method depends upon the data to recover timing.

a. Asynchronous

b. Synchronous

c. Isochronous

d. Plesiochronous

10 points   


1.       Select the correct statement(s) regarding “error correction”.

a. “error correction” techniques can be classified as either “error detection” or “error correction”

b.  Forward error correction (FEC) depends upon the addition of redundant data bits to correct bit errors during transmission

c. Use of “parity bits” and Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) enables “error detection”, but not “error correction”

d. All statements are correct

10 points   


1.       Data compression algorithms are based on which concept(s)?

a. Removal of redundant data bits (e.g., “white space”)

b. Use of data formats/forms/templates so that only data, and not formatting information, is sent

c. In text documents, identifying and using common character strings and abbreviations

d. All are correct

10 points   


1.       Which multiplexing methods can be used with analog signals?

a. FDM

b. TDM

c. Both FDM and TDM

d. Neither FDM nor TDM

10 points   


1.       Communication systems are designed to address the noise floor; however, additional power “link margins” are built into most systems to enable communications when unpredictable or higher than normal noise is present within the operating environment.



10 points

In: Electrical Engineering

Matlab code for resonant frequency of coaxial cable

Matlab code for resonant frequency of coaxial cable


In: Electrical Engineering

(28) A 10-Micro Farat capacitor has been charged to a potential of 150 V. A resistor...

(28) A 10-Micro Farat capacitor has been charged to a potential of 150 V. A resistor of 25 Ohms is then connected across the capacitor through a switch. When the switch is closed for ten time constants, the total energy (joules) dissipated by the resistor is?

In: Electrical Engineering

What frame structure mode of operation types are supported by Wi-max? What does Wi-max architecture resemble?

What frame structure mode of operation types are supported by Wi-max? What does Wi-max architecture resemble?

In: Electrical Engineering

I need the vhdl code to display the binary number specified by an 8 input dip...

I need the vhdl code to display the binary number specified by an 8 input dip switch on a 7 segment display.

In: Electrical Engineering

1) Explain how using a solid electrolyte effects cathode performance and design 2) Select 3 of...

1) Explain how using a solid electrolyte effects cathode performance and design

2) Select 3 of the 7 properties that are desired for a solid electrolyte. Define the properties and explain why they are desired for a solid electrolyte

In: Electrical Engineering

1) A. In a 1 bit half adder which design is the sizing of the transistor...

1) A. In a 1 bit half adder which design is the sizing of the transistor most area efficient, CMOS logic, transmission gate, or dynamic logic. Explain.

B. If the W/L of the transistors at gate level are the same, which one will be the fastest driving the same amount of load. Explain.

C. Which is the most power efficient?

In: Electrical Engineering

1. write a program for the msp430fr6989 that will light LED1, whenever S1 is pressed. It...

1. write a program for the msp430fr6989 that will light LED1, whenever S1 is pressed. It should turn off whenever S1 is released. 2. Write a program that will make LED1 blink 5 times when S1 is pressed, and then stop.

In: Electrical Engineering

given the sequences x1 = cos (0.5*pi*n) + cos (0.25*pi*n) + cos (0.125*pi*n); for n =...

given the sequences
x1 = cos (0.5*pi*n) + cos (0.25*pi*n) + cos (0.125*pi*n); for n = 0 to 7;
x2 = sin (0.5*pi*n) - cos (o.25*pi*n) + sin (0.125*pi*n); for n = 0 to 7;
plot the sequences and comment on the results. increasing the number of samples to n = 0 to 99, compute the DFT of the two sequences in MATLAB and plot the magnitude and phase of the computed DFTs. comment on the results

In: Electrical Engineering

Draw block diagram of the JPEG default encoder for encoding still colour image. Describe progressive and...

Draw block diagram of the JPEG default encoder for encoding still colour image.

Describe progressive and hierachical mode of JPEG compression standard, respectively

Describe how image artifacts occur in decoded still images

In: Electrical Engineering

Q1. Explain how industrial Ethernet can be incorporated in DCS systems. Q2. Explain in detail the...

Q1. Explain how industrial Ethernet can be incorporated in DCS systems.

Q2. Explain in detail the self-diagnosis concepts of a DCS system.

In: Electrical Engineering

A designer must anticipate and understand the manufacturing processes that will be used to fabricate the...

A designer must anticipate and understand the manufacturing processes that will be used to fabricate the created components. Describe differences in the model for a part designed for polyethylene (plastic) injection molding versus one for machined aluminum. Can you anticipate unique model requirements for a part created using hand lay-up resin-transfer molded composite (a process similar to that used for fiberglass)?

In: Electrical Engineering

How would you explain the view of a control chart and what is the basic procedure...

How would you explain the view of a control chart and what is the basic procedure for creating it?

In: Electrical Engineering