A robotic arm is controlled by several stepper motors.
Stepper motor (or step motor) is a brushless DC electric motor that divides a full rotation (360 degree) into a number of equal steps (10 degree/step in this case). The motor's position can then be commanded to move and hold at one of these steps without any feedback sensor (an open-loop controller). This motor usually has 4 wires. To move a motor, the following bit patterns should be applied to these 4 wires.
Clockwise rotation: 1100à0110à0011à1001 and these 4 patterns repeated again such as à1100à0110....
Counter clockwise rotation: 1100à1001à0011à0110à and these 4 patterns repeated again such as 1100à1001….
Each input pattern (for example 1100) moves motor 10 degree. Assume the first four bits (least Significant bits) of register R2 are connected to one these motors.
Write a program in LC-3 assembly language, to do the following:
If you type “1” motor moves 120 degree clockwise (sending 12 patterns) and then 90 degree counter clockwise (sending 9 patterns). If you type “2” motor moves 50 degree counter clockwise (sending 5 patterns).
Depends on what number you enter; the console should display all the related patterns sending to the motor.
In: Electrical Engineering
What are the options for routing electrical services along CLT wall panels?
In: Electrical Engineering
Design a colpitt oscillator circuit for a BFO Metal Detector
In: Electrical Engineering
Design a differential amplifier using three 2N3904 transistors. Use the third transistor as acurrent source device. The differential transistors are to be biased at 10v and 10mA. Use Vcc of your choice and differential gain at 1KHz is to be 50.
In: Electrical Engineering
Write a program to display (on 7-segment) continuous up-counting numbers from 00 to 99 (in decimal system) when switch SW2 is pressed and released, and down-counting when switch SW3 is pressed and released.
In: Electrical Engineering
Research ways to measure temperature. Find at least five different ways to measure temperature, each based on a different physical process or parameter. Explain why you might choose this method to measure temperature, what are the strengths and constraint of each method? (Keep your customer in mind!)
DO NOT cut and paste descriptions of the thermometers from the web. Explain the measurement in your own words.
Develop at least 15 questions you would like to ask the customer to help clarify his needs and guide your design.
In: Electrical Engineering
Give two examples of the tunning of PID controllers using the method based in the reaction curve (Ziegler Nichols)
In: Electrical Engineering
We have an HID light fixture that has a luminous diameter of 18 inches. What is the number of footcandles found at a point that is 4.5 feet over from the center of the fixture and 12 feet down? The candlepower distribution curve for this fixture is as below in Table 1:
? - I
0 - 8564
5 - 8817
15 - 10964
25 - 12534
35 - 11845
45 - 9025
Table 1
In: Electrical Engineering
Draw a block diagram of an elevator controller. Clearly identify inputs and outputs of each block. Assume the elevator has 4 floors. Draw a state diagram for the elevator controller and briefly explain what the input, state variables, and ouput represent.
In: Electrical Engineering
C programming review excerises.
1. Write a function that counts the number of lines in a file,
using the following declaration:
int countLines(char *filename)
2. Write a program that counts the number of words in a text
file. Use the command-line
arguments to read the name of the file. The syntax:
countwords filename.txt
3. Write a program that counts the number of words starting with
the first letter ‘T’ in a text
file. Using commend line argument for the text file. Syntax:
countWords filename.txt
4. Write a function that writes the multiplication table (from 1
to 9) to a given file in the
following format:
1 x 1 = 1 1 x 2 = 2 1 x 3 = 3 … 1 x 9 =9
2 x 2 = 4 2 x 3 = 6 2 x 4 = 12 … 2 x 9 = 18
3 x 3 = 9 3 x 4 = 12 3 x 5 = 15 … 3 x 9 = 27
9 x 9 = 81
Declaration of the function:
void printTable(char *filename)
5. Write a recursive function that computes the sum of all
numbers from 1 to n for a given
n, where n is a non-negative integer. Declaration of the
int sum(int n)
6. Write a recursive function that finds and returns the
smallest element in an array, where
the array and its size are given as parameters. Declaration:
int minimum(int array[ ], int n)
7. Write a recursive function that determines whether a given
array is a palindrome. A
palindrome is a string of finite length that reads the same
backward as forward.
Declaration: int isPalindrome(int array[ ], int beginning, int
8. Write a recursive function that prints even numbers in an
array of integers where the
array and its length are given as parameters. Declaration:
void printEven(int array[ ], int len)
where len is non-negative.
9. Write a recursive function that prints the content of a
character array in reverse order.
Declaration: void printReverse(char array[ ], int len)
where len is non-negative.
10. Write a recursive function that prints all integers in a
given range between start and end
in increasing order.
Declaration: void printRange(int start, int end)
where start <= end+1.
11. Write a function that returns the index of the first
occurrence of a given character c in
string str. If the character is not found, return -1.
Declaration: int indexOf(char *str, char c)
12. Write a function that returns the index of the first
occurrence of the given substring sub in
string str.
Declaration: int indexOf(char *str, char *sub)
If the substring is not found, return -1.
13. Write a function that returns the index of the last
occurrence of character c in string str.
Declaration: int lastIndexOf(char *str, char c)
If the occurrence is not found, return -1.
14. Write a function that returns the character at position idx
in string str.
If idx is beyond the index inside str, return -1.
Declaration: char charAt(char *str, int idx)
15. Write a function that returns 1 if string str starts with
the string sub, 0 otherwise.
Declaration: int startsWith(char *str, char *sub)
16. Write a function that returns a new string consisting of the
sequence of characters
between the ith and jth index in the given string str. If this is
not possible, return NULL.
Declaration: char *substring(char *str, int i, int j)
17. Write a function that takes as input a string and returns a
new string consisting of
repeating each characters in str. For example, if str is “hello”,
the returned string should
be “hheelllloo”;
Declaration: char *repeat(char *str)
18. Write a program that reads a list of x- and y-coordinates
from a file and stores it in an
array of type Point (defined as a struct with x and y float
members). You must use
typedef for the type Point. Assume the file contains at most 100
pairs of x- and y-
coordinates. Syntax:
readXY filename
19. Reimplement program #18 but use malloc to dynamically
allocate the array. Malloc 100
pairs at a time. If the file contained more points than the
allocated space could fit,
reallocate 100 more space into the array. Continue till the entire
file is read. Syntax:
readXY filename
In: Electrical Engineering
in communications. Make a table of FCC Emmision Classification
In: Electrical Engineering
in communications. what is frequency spectrum based on ITU-R Rec V431-6?
In: Electrical Engineering
Make a control diagram for a servo motor with 5 types of controllers and ramp input signal.
-Identify the output and choose an adequate response with
-Specify which was the transfer function used.
In: Electrical Engineering
a) A continuously alternating voltage will produce what type of ultrasound signal from a piezoelectric transducer? Give an equation to describe the output. b) Electrical voltage pulses applied to a piezoelectric transducer will produce what type of signal? Give an equation to describe the output. c) The addition of damping material to a transducer changes what parameters? Which are advantageous and which are disadvantageous? How are the disadvantages accounted for? d) What is the limiting factor for resolution of an ultrasound scan? Explain. e) What are the factors that limit the depth at which an ultrasound image can be collected? Explain
In: Electrical Engineering
The ASCII lowercase letters are separated from the
uppercase letters by 32. Thus, to
convert a lowercase letter to uppercase, subtract 32 from it. Use
this information to write
a program that reads characters from the keyboard. Have it convert
all lowercase letters
to uppercase, and all uppercase letters to lowercase, displaying
the result. Make no
changes to any other character. Have the program stop when the user
enters a period. At
the end, have the program display the number of case changes that
have taken place.
Teacher i need in c++ and python please
In: Electrical Engineering