In: Electrical Engineering
Give a thorough discussion about why you chose a certain value for your perfect amplifier parameter (one of input resistance, output resistance, and voltage gain only).
In a perfect amplifier input voltage is effectly amplify very small inpurt voltages
Input resistace:
when input voltage source connected across the amplifier, practically input voltage source have a series resitor,
if input resistance of amplifier is small some fractionction of input voltage across series resistor, to avoid this
we have to choose input resistance is very large.
such that signal votage is directly taken as input of amplifier.
when Rin >> Rs
Hence input resistance of perfect amplifier is very high.
Output resistance:
at output side amplifier total output voltage has to given to load.
if the output resistace is high total output voltage drop across the output resistance itself.
to avoid this condition the amplifier output resitance must be very very less ideally considered as 0 ohms.
for prefect amplifier output resistance is O
if Rout = 0 ohm
Voltage gain:
to amplifire a very small input signals the amplifier should have very high voltage gain.
a perfect amplifier should have a very high voltage gain.