In: Electrical Engineering
For a Double SideBand – Large Carrier (DSB-LC) Modulated Amplitude Modulator (AM) with a carrier frequency Fc = 1100kHz z and a maximum modulating signal frequency Fm (max) = 22kHz, determine:
a. Frequency limits for the lower side bands (LSB) and upper (USB).
b. Bandwidth
c. The equation for the AM signal if the carrier has a Vrma voltage of 6V and the modulating signal has a Vrma voltage of 1V. Consider the fm(max) transmission.
d. Lower (LSB) and upper (USB) side frequencies when the modulating signal is a 10kHz tone.
e. Draw the frequency spectrum when the modulating signal has a frequency of 20kHz and when it has a frequency of 10kHz.
In: Electrical Engineering
In: Electrical Engineering
In: Electrical Engineering
Could you please solve 8.31 d
Discrete signal processing oppenheim
In: Electrical Engineering
How does CAN protocol ensure the integrity of the data frame, making it suitable for the harsh environment like an automobile?
In: Electrical Engineering
In: Electrical Engineering
Consider an AM modulator with the followings: the message signal is m(t)= 0.5 cos (2πfmt), the carrier signal frequency is 200kHz, the carrier signal amplitude is unity, the amplitude sensitivity is 1.6. Which one is the power of the lower side-band ?
In: Electrical Engineering
(1) Simulate dynamically a separately-excited DC motor with a block diagram modeling in SIMULINK. Use the following parameters: Ra=0.06; La=0.0018; ka=0.1; Bm=0.001; Jm=0.03; Va=1; Tl=0.01; Vd=1; Rd=0.01; Ld=0.01;
Show your block diagram with all connections among blocks as well as plot the input armature voltage, speed, torque and armature current.
(2) Repeat what was asked in the first question with this machine series connected.
(3) Repeat what was asked in the second question with this machine series connected and an AC input voltage instead of DC. Keep an amplitude of the AC voltage equal to 1.
In: Electrical Engineering
Please Create the Verilog/Vivado Code For:
An LFSR Pseudonumber generator, and the testbench for test it,
please comment and explain the answer as much as possible
if possible, post Pic of the waveform simulation!
In: Electrical Engineering
For a Tachometer measuring device, illustrate its elements and how each one of them is functioning, and give more information about its characteristics and applications
illustrate in 2 pages
In: Electrical Engineering
For the following unbalanced 3Φ voltages Va = 240/15° V, Vb = 340/-65° V, Vc = 400/105°V calculate:
[Insert answer here]
[Insert answer here]
[Insert answer here]
[Insert answer here]
In: Electrical Engineering
a) Determine the excitation voltage and the power angle when the machine is delivering rated apparent power at 0.8 PF lagging.
b) If the field excitation is increased by 20 % without changing the prime mover power, find the stator current, power factor, and reactive power supplied by the machine.
c) With the field current as in (a), determine the maximum power with which the generator can be supplied without losing synchronism? What are the corresponding stator current and power factor at this maximum power condition?
In: Electrical Engineering
if the input signal is x(t)=exp[-at]u(t) and system impulse response is h(t)=u(t+2) what is the outpul signal y(t) ?
In: Electrical Engineering
Discuss the role digital filters in the modern communication technology
In: Electrical Engineering