
In: Psychology

When discussing development, I feel that our environment, as well as our genetics, are both part...

When discussing development, I feel that our environment, as well as our genetics, are both part of who we are and since we cannot control either of these when we are growing up we will be influenced by both. However, how long this influence takes hold varies by individual. I have seen this in my family based on age and birth order.

Let’s consider. Vgotsky. He did well to discuss the social aspect of learning and how children are dependent on the environment around them to learn. With Vgotsky’s heavy focus on culture and social experience, Berk (2018), notes that he “neglected the biological side of development

When critiquing Vgotsky’s theory we need to remember that Vgotsky died at the age of 37 and he did not have time to complete his theory. If we were to enhance Vgotsky’s theory today how would we combine social, cultural, and genetics to explain development?


Expert Solution

One of the most important things about human beings is that they are the products of their environment such as, parenting, education, family, friends, culture, religion etc. This would mean that although one’s genetic make-up would have some level of influence at the beginning, it would be the environment that would entirely change a person. For example, when a person develops in a poor, African or Asian or even American family would be entirely different from the same person growing in a well to do American family. It’s all about the opportunities and facilities that would make one’s life better or worse. Lev Vygotsky brought this importance through the Zone of Proximal Development. It brings out the difference in learning when one is on one’s own and in the presence of someone who would be able to help. Thus, people would be able to master the skills and knowledge but it would depend on how close they are to that skill or knowledge. Famous behavioural psychologist John B. Watson challenged the world with his quote that give me a dozen well formed healthy babies from any background and I would make them whoever you want them to be such as teacher, engineer, doctor or even thieves thus, bringing out the importance of the environment. So, more attention could be given in studying the differences based on the environmental factors.

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