
In: Psychology

Crises are best managed through effective leadership. The current COVID-19 pandemic is an unusual and significant...

Crises are best managed through effective leadership. The current COVID-19 pandemic is an unusual and significant crisis in its breadth and importance to our well-being, now and in the future.

Many leaders are emerging to resolve this crisis. These leaders can represent different walks of life including but not limited to:

  • politics
  • academics
  • healthcare organizations
  • celebrities
  • social media influencers

Your goal is to select and identify one leader that you are familiar with in this crisis. He or she can have any role and not necessarily the most authority among their peers. Your task in answering this question is to:

  • explain their role or involvement
  • decide if you think they are being a good leader or not
  • answer the above by giving one example of the leadership theory they use and three attributes of effective leadership they demonstrate

Alternatively, you may choose any leader that you admire. Identify them, explain the leadership situation they are in or have been in and answer the same questions as above for the COVID-19 scenario


Expert Solution

Healthcare Organization and leadership

In this pandemic situation, health care organizations are playing extremely important role. They are having leadership qualities to lead the world.

Role of healthcare organization and leaders:-

· They are doing research about how to tackle this mass of patients in this critical situation. They are trying to invent the solution of this situation.

· Leaders always try people to see he right path for future betterment. Healthcare organizations are listing down the precaution list and updating day by day. They are showing the statistics of Covid-19 infection to aware people.

· All the health workers like doctors, nurses are always trying cooperating in this situation and giving treatment to the patients.

· According to trait theory of leadership, it can be said that leaders are related to many characteristics. Some traits can be found in successful leaders like drive for achievement, giving motivation, Honesty, integrity, confident, Decision Making Capability and emotional intelligent.

In this situation, health workers are playing the role of leader. They are following Trait theory of leadership.

Trait Theory: Trait theory of leadership talks about different traits of successful as well as unsuccessful leaders.

Most important attributes can be found within them are,

· Drive for achievement: This situation is very challenging for them. Good leaders are trying to reduce the risky situation and trying to restore the previous situation.

· Confidence Good leader always having a hardy personality through which they can increase the power of controllability of any situation. Confidence is one of the most important key points to achieve a goal.

· Decision Making Capability: A good decision can change the entire situation.

In this pandemic situation everyone is admiring healthcare workers who are doing such a good work as leaders for today’s world.

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