
In: Operations Management

In regards to the Federal Government leadership and Task Force Strategic Response for the Covid-19 Pandemic,...

In regards to the Federal Government leadership and Task Force Strategic Response for the Covid-19 Pandemic, write an analysis for each of the following;

1. Sufficient training for employees

2. Identify and then modify reports on the decision-making processes to include the use of the pandemic change.

3. Incentive both the learning and practicing use of the pandemic change.

4. Avoid the appearance of a top-down decision that's forcing this change before the organization i ready to adapt to it.


Expert Solution

For the current situation of Covid -19 Pandemic, to implement several strategic response in relation to federal Government Leadership and Task force management, let me share analysis on each of the following, these are as stated below:

  • Sufficient training for employees: here, we should be working on training implementation of several health care staff, physician and other medical representative. As Covid -19 is deadly pandemic that is fully new in the related market that has created several negative impacts like attacked human body and took many lives till now. Hence, we can work on building awareness in emergency basis. So medical staffs get more knowledge and recovery plan for this pandemic. Sufficient training is highly needed; such training can be conducted through face to face program, virtual program and through practical sessions. Such practical sessions could be like finding source of PPEs, how to use PPEs, how we can take care for PPEs, how social distancing should be maintained in hospital unit. How patients are to be treated, what are the applicable medicines and doses can be given to patients. What are the revealing of research, etc.
  • Next we should be identifying various decision making processes and steps that will include the use of the pandemic change, we should build various reports on such decision making processes. Based on several decision making processes, we can identify best alternatives that could help in the pandemic change.
  • In order to bring Pandemic change, implementing responses and keep learning and practicing on such case, here, all such can be taken as incentive. With the practice and knowledge sharing, brainstorming sessions we can build improved response towards pandemic change.
  • Top down decision should be changed, as with top down decision and its appearance, we may not understand the underlying situations, we may not build the response that are actually necessary for people and helping people. Hence, we should be avoiding Top Down decision concept. Instead, we should be looking at the evidence, based on the evidence, we should find the cause and implement appropriate responses that can build more permanent solutions for the people.

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