(i) Discuss briefly the advantages of using parallel circuits in
a household wiring.
(ii) Why is Kirchhoff's first law referred to as the law of
conservation of electric charges?
Please be thorough.
what are some everyday life or household wiring examples of a
series-parallel circuit (a combination circuit)? Also, would you
consider a computer a combination circuit?
Briefly discuss integral dosimetry on a LINAC with respect
(i) Advantages and disadvantages of a diamond detector in
(ii) Compare the energy response of diamond and silicon detectors
for application in
quality assurance in a X-ray field.
(iii) Briefly discuss principle of a Avalanche photodiode (APD).
What is a main
difference between SiPM and Avalanche Photodiode (APD)?
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of using contingent
Briefly discuss the use of hazardous material in computers and
the potential risks, for manufacturing employees, suppliers, and
List the sequence of events that a potential whistleblower
should consider before blowing the whistle on their employer?
A coworker complains that he is sick of seeing the company
pollute the waters of a nearby stream by dumping runoff water into
it from the manufacturing process. He plans to send an anonymous...
Briefly discuss:
(i) The principles of detecting thermal neutrons
utilizing a Si detector.
(ii) The physics of fast neutron detection.
(iii) The principle of operation of strip detectors for charged
particle detection and
their application
Briefly discuss:
(i) The principles of detecting thermal neutrons utilizing a Si
(ii) The physics of fast neutron detection.
(iii) The principle of operation of strip detectors for charged
particle detection and
their application.
i)Why is a converging field necessary in a magnetic separator?
ii) Briefly describe the working principle of a low-intensity
magnetic separator. iii) Explain the working principle of an
induced roll magnetic separator.Why is a converging field necessary
in a magnetic separator? ii) Briefly describe the working principle
of a low-intensity magnetic separator. iii) Explain the working
principle of an induced roll magnetic separator.