In: Physics
Briefly discuss:
(i) The principles of detecting thermal neutrons utilizing a Si
(ii) The physics of fast neutron detection.
(iii) The principle of operation of strip detectors for charged
particle detection and
their application.
(i) Neutrons incident on a nucleus can give protons, alpha
particles or fission fragments. The distance traveled by reaction
products inside the detector has important consequences for
detector configuration. The products having certain energy
deposition produce electron-hole pair and these electron-hole pairs
are then separated.
(ii)Although fast neutrons are moderated to thermal energies before
detection but when fast neutrons energies are required, Liquid
Scintillators and Plastic detectors can also be used.
The neutron-gamma differentiation is done by Pulse Shaping
4-He based MWPC or gas detectors can also act as Pulse shape
NAND detector in IUAC at New Delhi,India uses Saint Gobain Plastic
(iii) Strip detectors are basically used to know the position
and charge of particle produced in the reaction chamber.
A metal wire(really thin wires) grid is capable of detecting type
and charge of particles if Pre-amplifier is used of each
This tells us type of particle and the various configuration may
tell us,where in space the particle is produced during the