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Video #1: E Commerce Marketing Strategy 12 Killer Tips Presented by Marketing 360 video 11 minutes...

Video #1: E Commerce Marketing Strategy 12 Killer Tips Presented by Marketing 360 video 11 minutes

Video #2: Digital Marketing Strategy E Commerce Distribution by Tom Walsham who is Director of Purduct for The Working Group (TWG) video 17 minutes

Complete a 1-2 page paper (double-spaced) about the differences in these videos.

  • Include main points from both videos
  • One thing you agreed with in each video
  • One thing you disagreed with in each video
  • most helpful information you gained
  • how you might use this information in the future for yourself or your employer


Expert Solution


Main points from video 1

IT is about the 12 tips that you can use for an efficient E marketing Strategy:

Tip 1 : Use a good shopping cart, like shopify, woo commerce and B commerce. These shopping carts have support team to back you up when you need help.

Tip 2: Optimizing your product pages, Your product page is your 24/7 sales person. It is there everytime for custoner to see. You should choose good product title, page design, product video and show reviews on product on your page.

Tip 3: Schema markup ; You can use schema markup testing tools for this. Schema markup is when a person google some product it will show images of your product to customer among others so it will give you an advantage over your competitors.

Tip 4: Optimize your product feed via google merchant center; provide good information about title, description, etc of product using google merchant center.

Tip 5: Google Shopping Ads; shopping tabs based on results, you should spend money on advertising your product on google shopping, if your product doing well you can increase budget.

Tip 6: Dynamic Retargeting ; it is used to show your previous visitors ads of product they searched on your website.

Tip 7: Facebook, Instagram Ads; people nowadays use fb, Instagram whole day so advertising about your product on these platforms can boost your sales as you can find many potential buyers there of every age.

Tip 8: Investing your social media organically; insted of buying large accounts, you can invest in your social media organically by gradually increasing followers from 1000 to 10000 to 100000 and so on.

Tip 9: Automate Email Marketing; You should pay attention to those customers also who have previously purchased from you by sending them e mails about new products or services or additional features etc. So you can make them come to you again fir a repirchase.

Tip 10: Invest in SMS Marketing; send text messages to customers about new products or services.

Tip 11: Use a CRM; CRM is Customer Relationship Management. You should make proactive calls to customers asking "are you satisfied" Or " Has the product reached to you safely" Or asking them about their preferences and ant changes they want to see in your product, it will boost your relationship with them and increase in sales.

Tip 12: create a customer care package; Instead of delivering product in a box having your logo, you can paste a handwritten note on package or put a refer card etc. Or give a cute or good packege.


I agree with advertising on Facebook and Instagram as people use these platforms more than Television or any other medium. If you postition your ads propery you can reach your targeted audience and have your sales boosted.


I disagree with using SMS marketing as people don't like to see ads on their sms where they receive important texts from people and banks. It's irritating to get ads on messages.

Main points from Video 2

1 Distribution = Marketing+sales + Delivery+ service

2 Use web to distribute products

3 Own your Channel ; Zappos. Com, By owning your channel you can get full control over your distribution. If you use Amazon or ebay, you can't customize them according to your own needs. You will be like any other store which is using Amazon or ebay. You won't get much recognition. By owning your own channel you can improve your service and return strategy. It will benefit your sales.

4 Distribute your Distribution; sites like AMAZONassociates or Rakuten can be used. Hervalife used this. Affiliates have reviews, feedback and great networking channels and if you use them you get all these benefits. They have massive selling networks that can boost your sales dramatically. They charge you 5% to 15 % commission for using their services.

5 Appeal to Crowd; Kickstarter ; Entices media, low initial risk, rewards innovation and limited overheads. But have high long tern risks , no do-overs, requires strategy, lacks longevity. You must have existing audience ready to pop out.


I agree people using Amazon data to know what people are looking for on the internet and use that information to improve their product and place them properly.


I disagree with using disrmtribute your distribution technique as it can boost your sales but it is not for a long time and there is very high administration overhead and commission which counterweigh the benefit from using this.

Difference between two videos

In 1st video , that video is more about establishing a business online and have a strong presence online. Having a good website and craete a reputation online. It looks for increasing market share online. Having great customer base of loyal customers and retaining customers.

In 2nd video, it is more about increasing your sales. Its focus is mainly on boosting sales not creating a relationship with customers or having great online presence. It's focus it to use web as a distribution channel.

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