
In: Operations Management

Congratulations! You have just been hired as a senior IT portfolio and project manager at a...

Congratulations! You have just been hired as a senior IT portfolio and project manager at a traditional large finance company. The company is looking to invest in new financial products and services. You are now in charge of all new strategic IT projects to enable and support these new products and services. In your team, you have many subject matter experts, analysts, product and project managers, either directly or indirectly working for you .
(a) Describe all areas of the company that you believe to be relevant and pertinent to your new role, using a holistic view and organizational perspectives. Also, describe how these areas would provide very valuable and actionable information for you and your team.

(b) Explain why these areas would have an impact(s), positive or negative, on your ability to do your job efficiently and effectively, to help achieve the company’s short and long term project/portfolio goals.

(2) All organizations have to operate under limitations and your company is not an exception. Even though many groups in your company are exited about their potential new projects, with limited resources, your company can only take on projects that are most appropriate and beneficial.

(a) What approaches and/or methods would you use to decide on which projects to select so that the selection process is strategic, structural and data-driven?

(b) There are 3 projects that are very similar in nature except some financial considerations. Which one of the projects would bring the best financial values and why? (The company uses the discount rate of 7%.)

- Project A: Initial cost $1 Million with the projected cash flows of Year1: $500,000, Year2: $1 Million, Year3: $1.5 Million - Project B: Initial cost $250,000 with the projected cash flows of Year1: $200,000, Year2: $800,000, Year3: $1.25 Million - Project C: Initial cost $500,000 with the projected cash flows of Year1: $1.5 Million, Year2: $750,000, Year3: $250,000

(3) You have decided to personally project manage one of the most important projects. It's a very large and complex project that deals with the alternate asset investments including cryptocurrencies. You will have a team of 20 people. This is first time ever that the company is taking on the alternative investments project and the risks are very high.

(a) What would you do to comprehensively prepare for starting this project so that you do not miss any important areas and all relevant processes.

(b) What Best Practices, Standards, and/or Methodologies would you use for this project and why?

(c) Describe, in details, about the methodology that you have chosen and how do you make sure it works effectively from beginning to the end of the project?

(d) What would you do to make sure that the areas of project Integration, Scope and Time are well planned, executed, and controlled & monitored?

(e) What would you do to make sure that the project is on track while dealing with a pandemic outbreak?


Expert Solution

1)Investment area

This is also known as Capital Budgeting Decisions. It relates to the careful selection of assets in which funds will be invested by the firms. The firm puts its funds in procuring fixed assets.

Financing area

Financial decision is decisions about when, where and how should a business acquire fund. Consequently, this the composition of various securities in the capital structure of the company.

Dividend area

Dividends area relate to the distribution of profits earned by the organization. The major decision are whether to retain the earnings profit or to distribute to the shareholders.

2)Net Present Value (NPV) method

It is the present value of the future net cash flows from an investment project. NPV is one of the main ways to evaluate an investment. Net present value can be explained quite simply, though the process of applying NPV may be considerably more difficult. Net present value analysis consider time element in comparing alternative investments. So NPV method usually provides better decisions it is the more popular evaluation method of capital budgeting projects.

The main merit of NPV method shows whether an investment will create value for the company or the investor, and how much in terms of dollars. The NPV method takes into consideration the cost of capital. Net present value analysis consider time element in comparing alternative investments. NPV method usually provides better decisions.

discount rate


prjct A

prjct b

prjct c



discount rate


discount rate


discount rate

year 1










year 2










year 3










Present value of cash inflows








Form this understood that project C is more profitable. The amount of NPV is higher $1761250 that other projects.

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