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Marketing Strategy Marketing scenario: Congratulations. You have just been named marketing manager. Your job will be...

Marketing Strategy

Marketing scenario:

Congratulations. You have just been named marketing manager. Your job will be to perform the daily tasks of a marketing manager.

So what does a marketing manager do? As you know, marketing plays an essential role in almost every industry segment. In its simplest form, marketing management is about making certain that customers' needs and wants are met while increasing the profits of a company. A marketing manager's responsibilities can vary a great deal, but will always have this as a central purpose.

Your company just acquired another company that manufactures and sells packaged ice. Traditionally the company has sold in bulk to industrial users. You want to sell to consumers.

please do not give me any short answers thank you


Expert Solution

As a marketing manager, it is my responsibility to manage the marketing resources of the product, packaged ice. The given scenario is that my company has acquired another manufacturing company which manufactures and sells packaged ice. The company has already established relationships with industrial users B2B. Now, my target is to sell the packaged ice to consumer B2C. Let us classify the responsibilities of the marketing manager as below-

  • Responsibilities towards the company
  • Responsibilities towards the employees
  • Responsibilities towards the consumers
  • Corporate Social Responsibility

Responsibilities towards the company- Since the company has just acquired a new manufacturing company, the responsibilities include-

  • Coordinate with the top management to draft new marketing policies and plans so that any packaged ice is sold to both the commercial and consumer marketing segment.
  • Forecast demand based on marketing research and controls the production level in terms of quality and quantity of the packaged ice.
  • Price fixation, product planning, sales promotion and select the channels of distribution for uninterrupted supply.
  • Control the total credit policy of the firm including the cost involved in the marketing of the product.
  • Listen to customer complaints and effectively address them.
  • Profit maximization for the business.
  • Identify potential markets. In this case, the potential new market is the consumer segment.
  • Study of the legal, social and political environment so that the new product-packaged ice adheres to the government rules and regulations including the tax policies.

Responsibilities towards the employees- Since the acquisition has increased the workforce of the company, as a marketing manager it is my responsibility to motivate employees and understand their concerns in the new environment. Then address the concerns effectively to retain and develop the talents of new and existing employees. Other responsibilities include-

  • Coordinate activities of different employees both from the existing company and new company to nurture a good relationship among employees.
  • Create welfare programs and ensure proper remuneration are provided to them.
  • Provide adequate training and support to perform in their roles. Provide assistance to employees to enhance thier sales skills and educate consumers on the different uses of the product.

Responsibilities towards the consumers- The responsibilities towards the consumers are:

  • Study the needs of consumers. Since the packaged ice was manufactured for industrial use, as a marketing manager it is my prime responsibility to identify the uses of the packaged ice and design product packaging to meet the consumer needs. For example packaged ice can be in small cubes to meet the requirements of the consumers.
  • Ensure uninterrupted supply of packaged ice to consumers.
  • Create awareness among consumers on alternative uses of the packaged small ice cubes
  • To address the consumer grievances effectively.

Corporate Social Responsibility-

  • Ensure the product packaged ice meets the FDA rules and regulations so that pure water is used to meet the safety standards.
  • Contribute to the welfare of the society by contributing to the community such as Go Green, charity contributions, etc.

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