
In: Computer Science

#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <vector> using namespace std; class Song{ public: Song(); //default constructor Song(string...

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class Song{


Song(); //default constructor

Song(string t, string a, double d); //parametrized constructor

string getTitle()const; // return title

string getAuthor()const; // return author

double getDurationMin() const; // return duration in minutes

double getDurationSec() const; // return song's duration in seconds

void setTitle(string t); //set title to t

void setAuthor(string a); //set author to a

void setDurationMin(double d); //set durationMin to d


string title; //title of the song

string author; //author of the song

double durationMin; //duration in minutes



title ="";

author = "";

durationMin = 0;


Song::Song(string t, string a, double d){

//complete your code here for Task2

//the parameter t is for title, a is for author and d is for durationMin


string Song::getTitle()const{

//complete your code here for Task3


string Song::getAuthor()const{

return author;


double Song::getDurationMin()const{

return durationMin;


double Song::getDurationSec()const{

//complete your code here for Task4

//return the duration of the song in seconds


//complete the code for three member functions for Task5

// void setTitle(string t); //set title to t

// void setAuthor(string a); //set author to a

// void setDurationMin(double d); //set durationMin to d


Expert Solution


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Song{
public:Song(); //default constructor
Song(string t, string a, double d); //parametrized constructor
string getTitle()const; // return title
string getAuthor()const; // return author
double getDurationMin() const; // return duration in minutes
double getDurationSec() const; // return song's duration in seconds
void setTitle(string t); //set title to t
void setAuthor(string a); //set author to a
void setDurationMin(double d); //set durationMin to d
private:string title; //title of the song
string author; //author of the song
double durationMin; //duration in minutes
Song::Song(){ //default constructor
title ="";
author = "";
durationMin = 0;
Song::Song(string t, string a, double d){ //parametrized constructor
string Song::getTitle()const{ //get title
return title;
string Song::getAuthor()const{ //get author
return author;
double Song::getDurationMin()const{ //get durationMin
return durationMin;
double Song::getDurationSec()const{ //get durationSin
return durationMin * 60;
void Song::setTitle(string t){ //set title to t
void Song::setAuthor(string a){ //set author to a
void Song::setDurationMin(double d){ //set durationMin to d

int main(){ //main
Song s1("ABC","XYZ",10); //object s1
cout<<"\nTitle: "<<s1.getTitle(); //call function getTitle()
cout<<"\nAuthor: "<<s1.getAuthor();//call function getAuthor()
cout<<"\nDuration(min): "<<s1.getDurationMin();//call function getDurationMin()
cout<<"\nDuration(sec): "<<s1.getDurationSec();//call function getDurationSec()


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