
In: Computer Science

#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <iomanip> #include <fstream> using namespace std; struct Product {    string...

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;
struct Product
   string itemname;
   int id;
   string itemcolor;
   double cost;

void fillProduct(Product[10], int& );//read data from a file and store in an array
void writeProduct(Product[10], int);//write the array into a file
void writeBinary(Product[10], int);//write the array into a file in binary mode
void printbinary(Product[10], int);//read data from the binary file and print

int main()
   Product myList[10];
   int numItems = 0;
   fillProduct(myList, numItems);
   writeProduct(myList, numItems);
   writeBinary(myList, numItems);
   printbinary(myList, numItems);
   return 0;

void fillProduct(Product myList[10], int& numItems)
   ifstream indata;"lab6data.txt");
   if (!indata)
       cout << "Error opening file. Program aborting.\n";
       string tname;
       getline(indata, tname);
       while (!indata.eof())
           myList[numItems].itemname = tname;
           indata >> myList[numItems].id;
           getline(indata, myList[numItems].itemcolor);
           indata >> myList[numItems].cost;
           getline(indata, tname);
       } // END WHILE

void writeProduct(Product myList[10], int numItems)
   ofstream outdata;"output.txt");
   if (!outdata)
       cout << "Error opening file. Program aborting.\n";
       outdata << left;
       outdata << setw(15) << "Item Name"
           << setw(15) << "ID"
           << setw(15) << "Color"
           << setw(15) << "Cost" << endl;
       outdata << setw(15) << "---------"
           << setw(15) << "--"
           << setw(15) << "-----"
           << setw(15) << "----" << endl;
       for (int k = 0; k < numItems; k++)
           outdata << setw(15) << myList[k].itemname
                   << setw(15) << myList[k].id
                   << setw(15) << myList[k].itemcolor
                   << setw(15) << myList[k].cost << endl;

void writeBinary(Product myList[10], int numItems)
   ofstream outbinary;"binary.dat", ios::binary);
   if (!outbinary)
       cout << "Error opening file. Program aborting.\n";
       for (int k = 0; k < numItems; k++)
           //TODO Write a single statement below that writes data in myList[k] into binary.dat


void printbinary(Product myList[10],int numItems) {
   ifstream inbinary;"binary.dat", ios::binary);
   if (!inbinary)
       cout << "Error opening file. Program aborting.\n";
       cout << left;
       cout<< setw(15) << "Item Name"
           << setw(15) << "ID"
           << setw(15) << "Color"
           << setw(15) << "Cost" << endl;
       cout << setw(15) << "---------"
           << setw(15) << "--"
           << setw(15) << "-----"
           << setw(15) << "----" << endl;

       for (int k = 0; k < numItems; k++)
           //TODO Write a single statement below that read data from binary.dat and store them in myList[k].

           //TODO Print the data stored in myList[k], and the output should have the same format as the example in the instruction.



Expert Solution

C++ code screenshot:

C++ code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;
struct Product
    string itemname;
    int id;
    string itemcolor;
    double cost;

void fillProduct(Product[10], int &); //read data from a file and store in an array
void writeProduct(Product[10], int);  //write the array into a file
void writeBinary(Product[10], int);   //write the array into a file in binary mode
void printbinary(Product[10], int);   //read data from the binary file and print

int main()
    Product myList[10];
    int numItems = 0;
    fillProduct(myList, numItems);
    writeProduct(myList, numItems);
    writeBinary(myList, numItems);
    printbinary(myList, numItems);
    return 0;

void fillProduct(Product myList[10], int &numItems)
    ifstream indata;"lab6data.txt");
    if (!indata)
        cout << "Error opening file. Program aborting.\n";
        string tname;
        getline(indata, tname);
        while (!indata.eof())
            myList[numItems].itemname = tname;
            indata >> myList[numItems].id;
            getline(indata, myList[numItems].itemcolor);
            indata >> myList[numItems].cost;
            getline(indata, tname);

        } // END WHILE

void writeProduct(Product myList[10], int numItems)
    ofstream outdata;"output.txt");
    if (!outdata)
        cout << "Error opening file. Program aborting.\n";
        outdata << left;
        outdata << setw(15) << "Item Name"
                << setw(15) << "ID"
                << setw(15) << "Color"
                << setw(15) << "Cost" << endl;
        outdata << setw(15) << "---------"
                << setw(15) << "--"
                << setw(15) << "-----"
                << setw(15) << "----" << endl;
        for (int k = 0; k < numItems; k++)
            outdata << setw(15) << myList[k].itemname
                    << setw(15) << myList[k].id
                    << setw(15) << myList[k].itemcolor
                    << setw(15) << myList[k].cost << endl;

void writeBinary(Product myList[10], int numItems)
    ofstream outbinary;"binary.dat", ios::binary);
    if (!outbinary)
        cout << "Error opening file. Program aborting.\n";
        for (int k = 0; k < numItems; k++)
            //TODO Write a single statement below that writes data in myList[k] into binary.dat
            outbinary.write((char *)&myList[k], sizeof(Product));

void printbinary(Product myList[10], int numItems)
    ifstream inbinary;"binary.dat", ios::binary);
    if (!inbinary)
        cout << "Error opening file. Program aborting.\n";
        cout << left;
        cout << setw(15) << "Item Name"
             << setw(15) << "ID"
             << setw(15) << "Color"
             << setw(15) << "Cost" << endl;
        cout << setw(15) << "---------"
             << setw(15) << "--"
             << setw(15) << "-----"
             << setw(15) << "----" << endl;

        for (int k = 0; k < numItems; k++)
            //TODO Write a single statement below that read data from binary.dat and store them in myList[k].
   *)&myList[k], sizeof(Product));
            //TODO Print the data stored in myList[k], and the output should have the same format as the example in the instruction.
            cout << setw(15) << myList[k].itemname
                 << setw(15) << myList[k].id
                 << setw(15) << myList[k].itemcolor
                 << setw(15) << myList[k].cost << endl;


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