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Essay Question: Some environmental forces are considered controllable while some others are seen as beyond control...

Essay Question:

Some environmental forces are considered controllable while some others are seen as beyond control of the organization. Discuss.


Expert Solution

Controllable factors are also called as the marketing mix. The factors in this are  product ,price ,place and promotion. These factors are in control by the business entities
Product- product is the most important factor in the marketing mix. The success of any company depends on the type of product it is able to sell in the market. The product should be of good quality and be selling at a reasonable price. It should be able to satisfy the demand of the customer. Product should also be such that it must be able to satisfy the ever changing mind and taste pattern of the customers otherwise it will be outdated .
Price- it is the amount at which the product can be sold. As companies are facing sever competition among themselves pricing becomes a very important tool for the business. Today the price of each and every material can be found online this has reduced the risk of over of charging price by the companies. The advancement of internet has reduced the profit margin of goods and the margin at which company today operate are much less than what it used to to operate before.
Place- it is the physical location at which the goods is being sold. Through the recent advancement in technology , today products are being sold online and offline. Offline store is the physical location at which goods are being sold. Companies which are located at Prime location in the Marketplace tend to earn more profit than compared to those companies which operate in in non Prime locations. Online stores are operating through internet. Most of the companies are selling their products through online website such as Amazon and Flip kart. The ease of this is customer can easily browse their needed products and can get instant prices of them within few seconds. They can also order them online via payment through Bank.
Promotion- it is the activity which the more the product to the customer. Promotion can be divided into four basic types. These are advertising, promotion ,personal selling and publicity. Today most of the companies also selling their products using the digital marketing. The traditional methods of selling where outdoor advertising this included putting Holdings of product at Prime locations. But today with the advancement of technologies companies market their product through videos and blogs. People also buy product these days by checking out the reviews of the product rather than relying only on promotion.
Uncontrollable factors are those factors which are beyond the control of the business. These factors include political, economic , social cultural, legal and technological .
Political factors- Political factors are determined by the policies of the ruling government in any country. The important policies which are there in the political environment are the industrial policy, export Import policy and the financial policy. These factors keep on changing from government to government. These factors are generally in alignment with the constitution of the country and the government system
Economical factors- economical factors are those factors which affect the business economically. There are many factors which are included in economical factors such as the inflation rate, labor cost, employability rate, GDP Etc .
Social cultural factors- the social and cultural factors also affect the business environment in the country. The cultural factors of any country e determine the the business decision of the people. Businesses have to make strategies which Synergy to the type of culture in which they are operating.
Technological factors- as technology is changing day by day it is very important for business to be up to date with the technological changes occurring in the country. An example of technological factors would be the the disappearance of compatible disc and DVDs because of the availability of high speed internet across the country.
Legal factors- if the legal factors are strict in any country it becomes easy for the the business to operate. As a fair and legal system give the guarantee of unbiased and fair treatment to the people in the country.

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