
In: Computer Science

#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> using namespace std; int main() { string userInput; getline(cin, userInput);...

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <sstream>

using namespace std;

int main() {

string userInput;

getline(cin, userInput);

// Declaring base

int N = 30;

if (userInput.length() > 10) {

cout << 0 << endl;


else {

int finalTotal = 0;

//Iterates through userInput

for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){

char convertedInput = userInput[i];

// ASCII decimal value of each character

int asciiDec = int(convertedInput);

//Casts char value from input to int value

stringstream chr;

chr << convertedInput;

int temp;

chr >> temp;

// Sets whitespace value equal to zero

if(convertedInput == ' ') {

temp = 0;


//Converting to base 30 value

if (temp >= 1 && temp <= 10) {

temp = temp;


else if(asciiDec >= 65 && asciiDec <= 84) {

temp = asciiDec - 55;


else if(asciiDec >= 97 && asciiDec <= 116) {

temp = asciiDec - 87;


else {

temp = 0;


finalTotal += temp; //(1)


cout << finalTotal << endl;


return 0;


Accurate conversion from C++ to MIPS please


Expert Solution

std::operator|(std::_Ios_Openmode, std::_Ios_Openmode):

        daddiu  $sp,$sp,-32

        sd      $fp,24($sp)

        move    $fp,$sp

        move    $3,$4

        move    $2,$5

        sll     $3,$3,0

        sw      $3,0($fp)

        sll     $2,$2,0

        sw      $2,4($fp)

        lw      $3,0($fp)

        lw      $2,4($fp)

        or      $2,$3,$2

        move    $sp,$fp

        ld      $fp,24($sp)

        daddiu  $sp,$sp,32

        j       $31



        daddiu  $sp,$sp,-496

        sd      $31,488($sp)

        sd      $fp,480($sp)

        sd      $28,472($sp)

        sd      $16,464($sp)

        move    $fp,$sp

        lui     $28,%hi(%neg(%gp_rel(main)))

        daddu   $28,$28,$25

        daddiu  $28,$28,%lo(%neg(%gp_rel(main)))

        daddiu  $2,$fp,24

        move    $4,$2

        ld      $2,%call16(_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1Ev)($28)

        move    $25,$2


        daddiu  $2,$fp,24

        move    $5,$2

        ld      $4,%got_disp(_ZSt3cin)($28)

        ld      $2,%call16(_ZSt7getlineIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEERSt13basic_istreamIT_T0_ES7_RNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIS4_S5_T1_EE)($28)

        move    $25,$2


        li      $2,30                 # 0x1e

        sw      $2,8($fp)

        daddiu  $2,$fp,24

        move    $4,$2

        ld      $2,%call16(_ZNKSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEE6lengthEv)($28)

        move    $25,$2


        sltu    $2,$2,11

        xori    $2,$2,0x1

        andi    $2,$2,0x00ff

        beq     $2,$0,.L4


        move    $5,$0

        ld      $4,%got_disp(_ZSt4cout)($28)

        ld      $2,%call16(_ZNSolsEi)($28)

        move    $25,$2


        ld      $5,%got_disp(_ZSt4endlIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_)($28)

        move    $4,$2

        ld      $2,%call16(_ZNSolsEPFRSoS_E)($28)

        move    $25,$2


        b       .L5



        sw      $0,0($fp)

        sw      $0,4($fp)


        lw      $2,4($fp)

        slt     $2,$2,10

        beq     $2,$0,.L6


        lw      $3,4($fp)

        daddiu  $2,$fp,24

        move    $5,$3

        move    $4,$2

        ld      $2,%call16(_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEixEm)($28)

        move    $25,$2


        lbu     $2,0($2)

        sb      $2,12($fp)

        lb      $2,12($fp)

        sw      $2,16($fp)

        li      $5,8                        # 0x8

        li      $4,16                 # 0x10

        ld      $2,%got_disp(std::operator|(std::_Ios_Openmode, std::_Ios_Openmode))($28)

        move    $25,$2


        move    $3,$2

        daddiu  $2,$fp,64

        move    $5,$3

        move    $4,$2

        ld      $2,%call16(_ZNSt7__cxx1118basic_stringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEC1ESt13_Ios_Openmode)($28)

        move    $25,$2


        lb      $2,12($fp)

        move    $3,$2

        daddiu  $2,$fp,64

        daddiu  $2,$2,16

        move    $5,$3

        move    $4,$2

        ld      $2,%call16(_ZStlsISt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIcT_ES5_c)($28)

        move    $25,$2


        daddiu  $3,$fp,56

        daddiu  $2,$fp,64

        move    $5,$3

        move    $4,$2

        ld      $2,%call16(_ZNSirsERi)($28)

        move    $25,$2


        lb      $3,12($fp)

        li      $2,32                 # 0x20

        bne     $3,$2,.L7


        sw      $0,56($fp)


        lw      $2,56($fp)

        blez    $2,.L8


        lw      $2,56($fp)

        slt     $2,$2,11

        beq     $2,$0,.L8


        lw      $2,56($fp)

        sw      $2,56($fp)

        b       .L9



        lw      $2,16($fp)

        slt     $2,$2,65

        bne     $2,$0,.L10


        lw      $2,16($fp)

        slt     $2,$2,85

        beq     $2,$0,.L10


        lw      $2,16($fp)

        addiu   $2,$2,-55

        sw      $2,56($fp)

        b       .L9



        lw      $2,16($fp)

        slt     $2,$2,97

        bne     $2,$0,.L11


        lw      $2,16($fp)

        slt     $2,$2,117

        beq     $2,$0,.L11


        lw      $2,16($fp)

        addiu   $2,$2,-87

        sw      $2,56($fp)

        b       .L9



        sw      $0,56($fp)


        lw      $2,56($fp)

        lw      $3,0($fp)

        addu    $2,$3,$2

        sw      $2,0($fp)

        daddiu  $2,$fp,64

        move    $4,$2

        ld      $2,%call16(_ZNSt7__cxx1118basic_stringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED1Ev)($28)

        move    $25,$2


        lw      $2,4($fp)

        addiu   $2,$2,1

        sw      $2,4($fp)

        b       .L12



        lw      $2,0($fp)

        move    $5,$2

        ld      $4,%got_disp(_ZSt4cout)($28)

        ld      $2,%call16(_ZNSolsEi)($28)

        move    $25,$2


        ld      $5,%got_disp(_ZSt4endlIcSt11char_traitsIcEERSt13basic_ostreamIT_T0_ES6_)($28)

        move    $4,$2

        ld      $2,%call16(_ZNSolsEPFRSoS_E)($28)

        move    $25,$2



        move    $16,$0

        daddiu  $2,$fp,24

        move    $4,$2

        ld      $2,%call16(_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED1Ev)($28)

        move    $25,$2


        move    $2,$16

        b       .L18


        move    $16,$4

        daddiu  $2,$fp,64

        move    $4,$2

        ld      $2,%call16(_ZNSt7__cxx1118basic_stringstreamIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED1Ev)($28)

        move    $25,$2


        b       .L15


        move    $16,$4


        daddiu  $2,$fp,24

        move    $4,$2

        ld      $2,%call16(_ZNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEED1Ev)($28)

        move    $25,$2


        move    $2,$16

        move    $4,$2

        ld      $2,%call16(_Unwind_Resume)($28)

        move    $25,$2



        move    $sp,$fp

        ld      $31,488($sp)

        ld      $fp,480($sp)

        ld      $28,472($sp)

        ld      $16,464($sp)

        daddiu  $sp,$sp,496

        j       $31


__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int):

        daddiu  $sp,$sp,-48

        sd      $31,40($sp)

        sd      $fp,32($sp)

        sd      $28,24($sp)

        move    $fp,$sp

        lui     $28,%hi(%neg(%gp_rel(__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int))))

        daddu   $28,$28,$25

        daddiu  $28,$28,%lo(%neg(%gp_rel(__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int))))

        move    $3,$4

        move    $2,$5

        sll     $3,$3,0

        sw      $3,0($fp)

        sll     $2,$2,0

        sw      $2,4($fp)

        lw      $3,0($fp)

        li      $2,1                        # 0x1

        bne     $3,$2,.L21


        lw      $3,4($fp)

        li      $2,65535                    # 0xffff

        bne     $3,$2,.L21


        ld      $2,%got_page(_ZStL8__ioinit)($28)

        daddiu  $4,$2,%got_ofst(_ZStL8__ioinit)

        ld      $2,%call16(_ZNSt8ios_base4InitC1Ev)($28)

        move    $25,$2


        ld      $6,%got_disp(__dso_handle)($28)

        ld      $2,%got_page(_ZStL8__ioinit)($28)

        daddiu  $5,$2,%got_ofst(_ZStL8__ioinit)

        ld      $4,%got_disp(_ZNSt8ios_base4InitD1Ev)($28)

        ld      $2,%call16(__cxa_atexit)($28)

        move    $25,$2




        move    $sp,$fp

        ld      $31,40($sp)

        ld      $fp,32($sp)

        ld      $28,24($sp)

        daddiu  $sp,$sp,48

        j       $31



        daddiu  $sp,$sp,-32

        sd      $31,24($sp)

        sd      $fp,16($sp)

        sd      $28,8($sp)

        move    $fp,$sp

        lui     $28,%hi(%neg(%gp_rel(_GLOBAL__sub_I_main)))

        daddu   $28,$28,$25

        daddiu  $28,$28,%lo(%neg(%gp_rel(_GLOBAL__sub_I_main)))

        li      $5,65535                    # 0xffff

        li      $4,1                        # 0x1

        ld      $2,%got_page(__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int))($28)

        daddiu  $2,$2,%got_ofst(__static_initialization_and_destruction_0(int, int))

        move    $25,$2


        move    $sp,$fp

        ld      $31,24($sp)

        ld      $fp,16($sp)

        ld      $28,8($sp)

        daddiu  $sp,$sp,32

        j       $31



I believe this is working well pls upvote

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