
In: Computer Science

--- TURN this Code into Java Language --- #include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; //...

--- TURN this Code into Java Language ---

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

// constants
const int FINAL_POSITION = 43;
const int INITIAL_POSITION = -1;

const int NUM_PLAYERS = 2;
const string BLUE = "BLUE";
const string GREEN = "GREEN";
const string ORANGE = "ORANGE";
const string PURPLE = "PURPLE";
const string RED = "RED";
const string YELLOW = "YELLOW";
const int NUM_COLORS = 6;

// names of special characters marking specific spaces on the board
const string PLUMPY = "PLUMPY";
const string MR_MINT = "MR. MINT";
const string JOLLY = "JOLLY";

// A partial board for Candyland
// based on the picture at:
                  YELLOW, BLUE, JOLLY, ORANGE

int positions[NUM_PLAYERS];

// set all elements of the positions array to INITIAL_POSITION
// Parameters: positions -- will store where the players are
//             numPlayers -- how many there are
void initialize(int positions[], int numPlayers) {
    for (int player = 0; player < numPlayers; player++)
        positions[player] = INITIAL_POSITION;

// Description: Test if string is a valid color in the game
// Parameter: str -- string to test
// Returns: true if it is a color in the game, false if not
bool isColor(string str) {
     for (int color = 0; color < NUM_COLORS; color++) {
         if (str == COLORS[color])
             return true;
     return false;

// Description: Starting after indicated position search forward on board to find the color
// Parameters: startPos -- index of current space of player -- start looking *after* this space
//             color -- find the next space with this color
// Returns: index of next space of chosen color
int findColor(int startPos, string color) {
    for (int pos = startPos+1; pos < FINAL_POSITION; pos++)
        if (board[pos] == color)
            return pos;
    return FINAL_POSITION;

// Description: find position of indicated person
// Parameters: name -- name of person to look for
// Returns: index of space for this name
int findPerson(string name) {
    if (name == PLUMPY) return 8;
    if (name == MR_MINT) return 17;
    if (name == JOLLY) return 42;
    cerr << "No such person in the game" << endl;
    return FINAL_POSITION; // should not get here -- just here to get program to stop

// Description: Move a player
// Parameters: player -- index of player to move
//             card -- indicates where to move
//             repeat -- true if card is a "double" color, false if not
//             positions -- where the players are
// Returns: new position of player after move
int move(int player, string card, bool repeat, int positions[]) {
    int nextPos = positions[player];
    if (isColor(card)) {
        nextPos = findColor(positions[player], card);
        if (repeat)
            nextPos = findColor(nextPos, card);
        return nextPos;
    else return findPerson(card);

// Description: Check for a winner
// Parameters: positions -- where the players are
//             numPlayers -- how many there are
// Returns: true if there are no winners yet
//          false if anyone has won
bool nowinner(int positions[], int numPlayers) {
    for (int player = 0; player < NUM_PLAYERS; player++) {
        if (positions[player] == FINAL_POSITION) // reached the end
            return false;
    return true;

// Description: Display welcome string
void printIntro() {
    cout << "This is a crude version of Candyland" << endl << endl;

// Generate the next value "drawn"
// Returns: the value of the next card drawn. Returning the empty string indicates
//          there are no more values
string draw() {
    const int NUM_CARDS = 9;
    static int next = 0;
    if (next >= NUM_CARDS) return "";
    return testRolls[next++];

// Indicate if this card is a "double" color
// Returns: true if the color is a double, false if not.
// NOTE: This is a very bad way to do this -- but it does help to motivate structures
bool drawRepeat() {
    bool testRollsRepeat[] = {false, true, false, true, false, false, false, false, false};
    const int NUM_CARDS = 9;
    static int next = 0;
    if (next >= NUM_CARDS) return false;
    return testRollsRepeat[next++];

// Print the identity of the winner, if any.
// If there are no winners, do nothing.
// Parameters:
// positions -- the array indicating where the players are located
// numPlayers -- the number of players
void printWinner(int positions[], int numPlayers) {
    for (int player = 0; player < numPlayers; player++) {
        // Would be clearer to use a different constant to
        // explicitly define the winning position
        if (positions[player] == FINAL_POSITION)
            cout << "Player " << player << " wins!" << endl;

// Description: Play the game
void playGame() {
    // Use nextPlayer to switch among the players
    int nextPlayer = 0;
    bool done = false;

    initialize(positions, NUM_PLAYERS);
    while (nowinner(positions, NUM_PLAYERS) && !done) {
        string nextCard = draw();
        bool repeat = drawRepeat();

        if ("" != nextCard) {
            positions[nextPlayer] = move(nextPlayer, nextCard, repeat, positions);
            cout << "Player " << nextPlayer << " is at position "
                 << positions[nextPlayer] << endl;
            nextPlayer = (nextPlayer + 1) % NUM_PLAYERS;
        else done = true;
    if (nowinner(positions, NUM_PLAYERS))
        cout << "No winner" << endl;
    else printWinner(positions, NUM_PLAYERS);

int main() {
        return 0;


Expert Solution

public class Game
final static int FINAL_POSITION = 43;
final static int INITIAL_POSITION = -1;

final static int NUM_PLAYERS = 2;
final static String BLUE = "BLUE";
final static String GREEN = "GREEN";
final static String ORANGE = "ORANGE";
final static String PURPLE = "PURPLE";
final static String RED = "RED";
final static String YELLOW = "YELLOW";
final static String COLORS [] = {BLUE, GREEN, ORANGE, PURPLE, RED, YELLOW};
final static int NUM_COLORS = 6;

// names of special characters marking specific spaces on the board
final static String PLUMPY = "PLUMPY";
final static String MR_MINT = "MR. MINT";
final static String JOLLY = "JOLLY";
static int next;

// A partial board for Candyland
// based on the picture at:
static String board[] = {"RED", "PURPLE", "YELLOW", "BLUE", "ORANGE", "GREEN", "RED", "PURPLE", "PLUMPY", "YELLOW",


static int positions[] = new int[NUM_PLAYERS];

// set all elements of the positions array to INITIAL_POSITION
// Parameters: positions -- will store where the players are
// numPlayers -- how many there are
static void initialize(int positions[], int numPlayers) {
for (int player = 0; player < numPlayers; player++)
positions[player] = INITIAL_POSITION;

// Description: Test if String is a valid color in the game
// Parameter: str -- String to test
// Returns: true if it is a color in the game, false if not
static boolean isColor(String str) {
for (int color = 0; color < NUM_COLORS; color++) {
if (str.equals(COLORS[color]))
return true;
return false;

// Description: Starting after indicated position search forward on board to find the color
// Parameters: startPos -- index of current space of player -- start looking *after* this space
// color -- find the next space with this color
// Returns: index of next space of chosen color
static int findColor(int startPos, String color) {
for (int pos = startPos+1; pos < FINAL_POSITION; pos++)
if (board[pos].equals(color))
return pos;

// Description: find position of indicated person
// Parameters: name -- name of person to look for
// Returns: index of space for this name
static int findPerson(String name) {
if (name.equals(PLUMPY)) return 8;
if (name.equals(MR_MINT)) return 17;
if (name.equals(JOLLY)) return 42;
System.out.println("No such person in the game" );
return FINAL_POSITION; // should not get here -- just here to get program to stop

// Description: Move a player
// Parameters: player -- index of player to move
// card -- indicates where to move
// repeat -- true if card is a "double" color, false if not
// positions -- where the players are
// Returns: new position of player after move
static int move(int player, String card, boolean repeat, int positions[]) {
int nextPos = positions[player];

if (isColor(card)) {
nextPos = findColor(positions[player], card);
if (repeat)
nextPos = findColor(nextPos, card);
return nextPos;
else return findPerson(card);

// Description: Check for a winner
// Parameters: positions -- where the players are
// numPlayers -- how many there are
// Returns: true if there are no winners yet
// false if anyone has won
static boolean nowinner(int positions[], int numPlayers) {
for (int player = 0; player < NUM_PLAYERS; player++) {
if (positions[player] == FINAL_POSITION) // reached the end
return false;
return true;

// Description: Display welcome String
static void printIntro() {
System.out.println("This is a crude version of Candyland\n");

// Generate the next value "drawn"
// Returns: the value of the next card drawn. Returning the empty String indicates
// there are no more values
static String draw() {
final int NUM_CARDS = 9;
next = 0;

if (next >= NUM_CARDS) return "";
return testRolls[++next];

// Indicate if this card is a "double" color
// Returns: true if the color is a double, false if not.
// NOTE: This is a very bad way to do this -- but it does help to motivate structures
static boolean drawRepeat() {
boolean testRollsRepeat[] = {false, true, false, true, false, false, false, false, false};
final int NUM_CARDS = 9;
next = 0;

if (next >= NUM_CARDS) return false;
return testRollsRepeat[next++];

// Print the identity of the winner, if any.
// If there are no winners, do nothing.
// Parameters:
// positions -- the array indicating where the players are located
// numPlayers -- the number of players
static void printWinner(int positions[], int numPlayers) {
for (int player = 0; player < numPlayers; player++) {
// Would be clearer to use a different constant to
// explicitly define the winning position
if (positions[player] == FINAL_POSITION)
System.out.println("Player " + player + " wins!");

// Description: Play the game
static void playGame() {
// Use nextPlayer to switch among the players
int nextPlayer = 0;
boolean done = false;

initialize(positions, NUM_PLAYERS);
while (nowinner(positions, NUM_PLAYERS) && !done) {
String nextCard = draw();
boolean repeat = drawRepeat();

if (!(nextCard.equals(" "))) {
positions[nextPlayer] = move(nextPlayer, nextCard, repeat, positions);
System.out.println("Player " +nextPlayer + " is at position "
+ positions[nextPlayer]);
nextPlayer = (nextPlayer + 1) % NUM_PLAYERS;
else done = true;
if (nowinner(positions, NUM_PLAYERS))
System.out.println("No winner" );
else printWinner(positions, NUM_PLAYERS);

public static void main(String a[]) {



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