
In: Operations Management

Evaluate your personal mentoring and coaching strategies and techniques. If you mentored another person or group...

Evaluate your personal mentoring and coaching strategies and techniques. If you mentored another person or group of people in the future, which strategies and techniques would you continue using? Which strategies/techniques would you start using? Which strategies/techniques would you stop using? Do you think your short-term and long-term goals were achievable?


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Evaluate your personal mentoring and coaching strategies and techniques. If you mentored another person or group of people in the future, which strategies and techniques would you continue using? Which strategies/techniques would you start using? Which strategies/techniques would you stop using? Do you think your short-term and long-term goals were achievable?

The following are some of the best mentoring techniques and strategies that i personally had followed while mentoring some of my students.

  • The first and foremost thing would be being a good example to the students, there is a thin line of difference between a good faculty and a best faculty i.e. acceptance by the students. So i advise you to be a good example to your students.
  • Every workplace would have some problems, and so does my workplace too. We have to face the challenges in the workplace and we have offer ourselves problem solving techniques in order to get through the issue.
  • Encouraging a student is one of the best thing as a mentor you could do. By encouraging students on their academic performance even they had done not so well will surely help you to get the students better in the next report.
  • Sometimes you have to confront any wrongs done by the students. Because at times some people may present unacceptable behavior and you have condemn such things and strictly warn them
  • Try to explore new opportunities through your mentee. Even with a good support from the mentee we can push our limits and achieve things which we never dream of.

To conclude those are the some important techniques and strategies to overcome all the difficulties faced by a mentor in the classroom, at workplace also. I am using these techniques in my daily life and any techniques contrary to those techniques were not advisable to follow and i would immediately stop using such strategies or techniques which show a negative result.

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