
In: Biology

Distinguish between a Zygomycete and a Basidiomycete. What is similar and what is different? (3) Answers...

Distinguish between a Zygomycete and a Basidiomycete. What is similar and what is different? (3) Answers must include the sexual cycle details. Including a drawing would be very helpful.


Expert Solution


Zygomycota, a small group in the fungi kingdom, can reproduce asexually or sexually, in a process called conjugation.Most zygomycota are saprobes, while a few species are parasites.

Zygomycota usually reproduce asexually by producing sporangiospores.

Zygomycota reproduce sexually when environmental conditions become unfavorable.

To reproduce sexually, two opposing mating strains must fuse or conjugate, thereby, sharing genetic content and creating zygospores.

The resulting diploid zygospores remain dormant and protected by thick coats until environmental conditions have improved.

When conditions become favorable, zygospores undergo meiosis to produce haploid spores, which will eventually grow into a new organism.


The basidiomycota are mushroom-producing fungi with developing, club-shaped fruiting bodies called basidia on the gills under its cap.

The majority of edible fungi belong to the Phylum Basidiomycota.

The basidiomycota includes shelf fungus, toadstools, and smuts and rusts.

Unlike most fungi, basidiomycota reproduce sexually as opposed to asexually.

Two different mating strains are required for the fusion of genetic material in the basidium which is followed by meiosis producing haploid basidiospores.

Mycelia of different mating strains combine to produce a secondary mycelium that contains haploid basidiospores in what is called the dikaryotic stage, where the fungi remains until a basidiocarp (mushroom) is generated with the developing basidia on the gills under its cap.

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