
In: Biology

explain the process of Dna replication fork, transcription, translation

explain the process of Dna replication fork, transcription, translation


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For each of the following sequences, state which process, DNA replication, transcription, RNA processing, or translation,...
For each of the following sequences, state which process, DNA replication, transcription, RNA processing, or translation, is affected most directlyby deleting the sequence below. You should chose only one process for each sequence. (Section 15.4) a. ori site b. 3' splice site c. poly(A) tail d. terminator e. start codon f. –10 consensus seq g. Shine-Dalgarno
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Define protein-primed DNA replication. Explain the general process of reverse transcription and integration. Explain the role...
Define protein-primed DNA replication. Explain the general process of reverse transcription and integration. Explain the role of tRNA in retrovirus genome replication, the enzymatic activities of the reverse transcriptase enzyme, and the function of the integrase enzyme.
Describe the steps involved in DNA replication including the function of a replication fork and the...
Describe the steps involved in DNA replication including the function of a replication fork and the enzyme and enzyme function.  
Explain the transcription and translation mechanism of protein and the role of GTP in translation process
Explain the transcription and translation mechanism of protein and the role of GTP in translation process
Which of the following is most accurate about DNA replication and transcription/translation (central dogma)? Select one:...
Which of the following is most accurate about DNA replication and transcription/translation (central dogma)? Select one: a. DNA replication and transcription/translation produce the same molecules. b. DNA replication occurs in some cells, while transcription/translation occurs in virtually all cells. c. The same enzyme is responsible for DNA replication and transcription/translation. d. DNA replication occurs in virtually all cells, while transcription/translation occurs in some cells. e. DNA replication occurs in somatic cells while transcription/translation occurs only in gametes.
Describe the similarities, differences and purposes of replication, transcription and translation
Describe the similarities, differences and purposes of replication, transcription and translation
During the process of    [1"replication", 2"translation", 3"transcription", "4RNA processing"] ______ , the anticodon on the   ["1amino...
During the process of    [1"replication", 2"translation", 3"transcription", "4RNA processing"] ______ , the anticodon on the   ["1amino acid",2 "ribosome", 3"tRNA", 4"mRNA"] _____ has to match the codon following base-pairing rules to ensure the proper amino acid is being added to the polypeptide sequence.
Which core step of the so-called ‘Central Dogma’ (DNA replication; transcription; or translation) do therapies like...
Which core step of the so-called ‘Central Dogma’ (DNA replication; transcription; or translation) do therapies like RNAi regulate?