
In: Computer Science

The following code has some syntax error. Please fixed the error. Besides, I want the output...

The following code has some syntax error. Please fixed the error. Besides, I want the output in ASCII characters. Please give me the corrected code along with the screenshot of the output.

def cbc_dec(ys):

int xs = []

int iv = ("0XAA", 16) #in decimal

int key = ("0X08", 16)

int x0 = chr(((163 * (int (ys[0], 16) - key)) % 256) ^ iv)


for i in range (1, len(ys)):

int xi = chr((( 163 * (int (ys[i], 16) - key)) %256) ^ int (ys[i-1], 16))


return xs

def main():

cipher_cbc = ["0XA0", "0XCC", "0X1F","0XE3','0XE0','0X59']

ps_cbc = cbc_dec(cipher_cbc)

print("\nCBC decryption", ps_cbc)



Expert Solution

def cbc_dec(ys):
    xs = list()

    iv = int("0XAA", 16) #in decimal

    key = int("0X08", 16)

    x0 = chr(((163 * (int(ys[0], 16)-key)) % 256) ^ iv)


    for i in range (1, len(ys)):

        xi = chr((( 163 * (int (ys[i], 16) - key)) %256) ^ int(ys[i-1], 16))


    return xs

def main():

    cipher_cbc = ["0XA0", "0XCC", "0X1F","0XE3","0XE0","0X59"]

    ps_cbc = cbc_dec(cipher_cbc)

    print("\nCBC decryption", ps_cbc)



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