In: Computer Science
1. List 4 reasons for using formative evaluation during Web design.
2. What is the difference between formative and summative evaluation?
3. Provide any two types formative evaluation and two types of summative evaluation questions.
Q1.What is Formative Evaluation?
A formative evaluation is an evaluation which is used for learning. The main intention of a formative evaluation is to present a measure to both the students and instructor and find them where they stay in their course of study.
With this measure, the instructor would be able to adjust and make few variations so that the studies aren’t affected. With the help of formative evaluations, more interest is presented by the instructor and students and their way of learning.
Reason for using formative evaluation
There are ample good reasons about the need for a formative evaluation which are penned down below. There are many chances where your project can be embarked and do not meet the real need when there is absence of formative evaluation. Otherwise the project can be constrained by other factors too which may not be controlled.
Formative evaluation is necessary and important for behavior change projects and community engaged ones. This category of projects needs formative evaluation as they are complex and requires few monitoring processes. In order to face unexpected outcomes and respond to emergent properties, formative evaluation is mandatory.
When you’re unable to follow and capture successful feedback, a formative evaluation can be followed as it enhances the implementation of the project. In this way, there are more chances to achieve the outcome of the project.
The various process changes are well understood with the help of formative evaluation. The actual reason for what works, what doesn’t work and why such things happen are found out with the help of formative evaluation. In this way, the project can be made successful by gathering more knowledge required and enhance future project design and implementation.
Q 3. difference between formative and summative evaluation
The resources in this section compare the two, complementary functions of evaluation. Formative evaluation is typically conducted during the development or improvement of a program or course. Summative evaluation involves making judgments about the efficacy of a program or course at its conclusion
Formative Evaluation:
1. Formative evaluation is used during the teaching learning process to monitor the learning process.
2. Formative evaluation is developmental in nature. The aim of this evaluation is to improve student’s learning and teacher’s teaching.
3. Generally teacher made tests are used for this purpose.
4. The test items are prepared for limited content area.
5. It helps to know to what extent the instructional objectives has been achieved.
6. It provides feed-back to the teacher to modify the methods and to prescribe remedial works.
7. Only few skills can be tested in this evaluation.
8. It is a continuous and regular process.
9. It considers evaluation as a process.
Summative Evaluation
1. Summative evaluation is used after the course completion to assign the grades.
2. Summative evaluation is terminal in nature. Its purpose is to evaluate student’s achievement.
3. Generally standardized tests are used for the purpose.
4. The tests items are prepared from the whole content area.
5. It helps to judge the appropriateness of the instructional objectives.
6. It helps the teacher to know the effectiveness of the instructional procedure.
7. Large number of skills can be tested in this evaluation.
8. It is not regular and continuous process.
9. It considers evaluation as a product.
Q 3 Provide any two types formative evaluation and two types of summative evaluation questions
Is the initiative delivering on outputs and outcomes as planned? (efficiency and effectiveness)
Are the (or were the) activities and their delivery methods been effective? Are there aspects that could have been done differently? (process effectiveness)
Is the wider project story being told? What range of outcomes (intended and unintended) has the project contributed to – taking account of each of social, economic, environmental and cultural considerations (relevance and impact)
How has the initiative influenced the appropriate stakeholder community, and what capacities has it built? (relevance and impact).