
In: Operations Management

Discuss thoroughly the integration of OSCM strategy and at least 2 other management concepts from other...

Discuss thoroughly the integration of OSCM strategy and at least 2 other management concepts from other coursework.


Expert Solution

a) OSCM strategy : The full form of this strategy is Operations and Supply Chain Management , It is the strategy which deals with the improvement of the system of supply chain which includes the design , procedure , process and improvement of the system of supplying and delivering the firms primary products to other using a valuable network.

Basicall OSCM is the integration of Operations and Supply chain , which will be discussed in detail:

1. Operations : It refers to the process of manufacturing and processing of products and services which includes all the activities like transformation of raw material and resources into useful products desired by customers.

2. Supply chain : It envelops all the activities and process associated with the flow and transformation of of good and services from the input resources to the end product stage of the product development .

A process is made up of one or multiple activities that transform inputs into outputs. Operations and Supply Chain processes can be categorized as follows:

  • Plan: Involves the processes that are needed to operate an existing supply chain strategically;
  • Source: The selection of suppliers that will deliver the goods and services needed to create the firm’s product;
  • Make: Where the product is produced or the service is provided;
  • Deliver: Also logistics processes. Delivering products to warehouses and customers, contact with customers and information systems need to be managed;
  • Return: Involves the processes for receiving worn-out, defective, and excess products back from customers and processes for supporting customers who have problems with the delivered product.

b) Two other Management Concepts :

Just-in-time and lean production:

Just in Time involves :

1. Producing and delivering finished goods ‘just in time’ to be sold

2. Partly finished goods ‘just in time’ to be assembled into finished goods

3. Parts ‘just in time’ to go into partly finished goods

4. Materials ‘just in time’ to be made into parts.

This concept states that production should be 'pulled through' rather than 'pushed through'. The logic of this principle is just to optimize the inventory and delas with stock out problems . This means that the production should be for specific customer order , in this way the production starts only when a customer demands an order with the producer. Delivery of products will be done only when the need of it arises . Consequently, this approach requires much more frequent delivery of stocks.

Lean production : is a philosophy and a way of working involving eliminating all forms of waste (where waste is defined as anything that does not add value in the production process and supply chain).

The idea behind lean production stems from Japan where for many years supply chain managers have been seeking to eliminate ‘ any activity which involves wasted effort, materials and time.

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