In: Economics
Completely and thoroughly explain how the Scientific Management concepts of Frederick Winslow Taylor
could be used in a company that makes any type of electronic product.
The concepts are as follows:
1. Science not rule of thumb: Rule of thumb means managers take decisions based on their own understanding and decision making rather than on logical reasoning, Taylor states that the decisions made should be taken with a logical view point.
2. Harmony, not discord: There should be complete harmony between the two parts of the same machine, which are top management and employees any dissatisfaction among either of them is not good for the overall working of the company. Both should work in peace to insure optimal output at all times.
3. Mental Revolution: All the parts of the team that is the employees as well as the top management need to realise the importance of one another and work together in harmony, they need to respect each others role and work in unison. The best efforts of the employees should put in and the employees should share all gains with the employees.
4. Cooperation, not Individualism: At all times there should be cooperation, mutual goodwill and overall level of satisfaction between all the members of the team, they should work for the betterment of the team and not for themselves .
5. Development of personnel: Every member of the team should be given a chance to develop themselves in whatever way possible, they should be given responsibilities and held accountable for their action. All work done by employees should be to their very best.
All of these principles can be and should be used in every type of business even electronics.