
In: Psychology

Which theories would Baxter consider simplistic or monologic? How might those theories become more dialogic?

Which theories would Baxter consider simplistic or monologic? How might those theories become more dialogic?


Expert Solution

Leslie Baxter and Barbara Montgomery study the intimate communication of close relationships. They quickly rejected the idea of discovering scientific laws that order the experience of friends and lovers. They were struck by the conflicting tensions people face in relationships. They believe that social life is a dynamic knot of contradictions. Their theory on romantic relationships parallels work on friendship and family systems.Dialectical tension is the natural product of our conversations.Baxter and Montgomery believe that these contradictions are inevitable and can be constructive.Three dialectics that affect relationships.Although other theories emphasize closeness, certainty, and openness, people also seek autonomy, novelty, and privacy.Baxter opposes any communication practice that ignores or gags another's voice.Ethical reflection: Sissela Bok's Principle of Veracity.Bok rejects an absolute prohibition of lyingBut she also rejects consequentialist ethics, which judge acts on the basis of whether we think they will result in harm or benefit.Her principle of veracity asserts that, "truthful statements are preferable to lies in the absence of special consideration.Some scholars question whether relational dialectics should be considered a theory at all as it lacks prediction and explanation, and does not offer any propositions.
Baxter and Montgomery agree and offer dialectics as a sensitizing theory.Relational dialectics should be evaluated based on the interpretive standards, on which it stacks up well.

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