
In: Psychology

Explain, in your own words, the relationships among growth, comfort zone, and fear.

Explain, in your own words, the relationships among growth, comfort zone, and fear.


Expert Solution

  • For one's personal growth,one needs to face challenges,and that can be done by giving up one's comfort zones.Trying out new things is scary and experiencing fear is natural,but if you will never face your fears you would never be able to overcome it.
  • Staying in our comfort zones makes us stagnant and taking things for granted,we are not motivated to do anything new but follow the same routine of things we keep doing.To move forward in life and grow,stepping out of this mundane comfort zone is important.Even to experience fear and anxiety,ones needs to challenge themselves.
  • Fear of failure will test your limits but it would not make you arrogant,rather you would learn to get up again and nevr give up.
  • Getting outside your comfort zone tests your limits at every twist and turn. All the things you believed to be your limits will be put to the test over and over and over again. What results from this is a much broader view on the terms “possible” and “achievable” as you discover that you can do more than you think you can.
  • The most amazing experiences of your lifetime are not found doing what is easy or comfortable. When have you ever heard someone describe an average task with paramount enthusiasm? On the other hand you hear people rhapsodize over all the events that made them uncomfortable.
  • As you get test your limits and experience a much wider spectrum of situations you will begin to fear less and less. Your ability to solve problems you never even considered grows as you step outside your comfort zone time and time again, increasing the belief you have in yourself and thereby squashing fear.
  • You will be faced with problems you would not normally face and will have to find ways to solve them, pushing you to become more of who you are at every twist and turn. All your best and worst skills are developed most under situations that challenge you to step up to the next level.
  • With all of these amazing experiences that hold your back you will learn to love yourself. Every single time you step up you gain a bit of respect for yourself because you are not letting the opportunities slip you by anymore.
  • With limits that constantly expand, experiences of the greatest thrills, an almost non-existent fear and constant growth as well as grander self-respect your confidence will be a mere side effect of stepping outside your comfort zone. The confidence of the most confident individuals is not a genetic trait or a discovered one, but rather one grown and nurtured by constantly staying uncomfortable and striding everlastingly forward into the unknown outside your comfort zone.

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