
In: Operations Management

Correspondence Assignment From your college years, you have hands-on experience with a wide range of social...

Correspondence Assignment

From your college years, you have hands-on experience with a wide range of social media tools, having used them to collaborate on school projects, to become involved in your local community, to learn more about various industries and professions, to research potential employers during your job search, and to stay in touch with family and friends at home. In fact, without social media, you might've never heard about your current employer in the first place. Moreover, your use of social media on the job has already paid several important dividends, including finding potential sales contacts at several large companies (which you referred to the sales department), connecting with peers in other companies to share ideas for working more efficiently, and learning about some upcoming legislative matters in your state that could hamper your company's current way of doing business.

You hoped that by setting an example through your own use of social media at work, your new colleagues and company management would quickly adopt these tools as well. However, just the opposite has happened. Waiting in your e-mail inbox this morning was a message from CEO Nicholas Meyer announcing that the company is now cutting off access to social networking websites and banning the use of any social media at work for all employeesexcept employees in the sales, marketing, and public relations departments. The sales, marketing, and public relations departments retain access to all social media tools in the new policy. The message says that for other employees using company time and company computers for socializing is highly inappropriate and might be considered grounds for dismissal in the future.

Your task: You fight the urge to fire off a hotly worded reply to the CEO about how social media is used by other departments to support the company's success. Instead, you decide to send an email to your immediate superior Anna Abrams that explains why you believe the new policy should be reversed. Using your supervisor's favorite medium, write an email explaining why Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking technologies are valid and valuable business tools and ask for action within your reader's scope of power.

Note, this situation or scenario is the most complex of the ones you have completed this semester. Notice that you're writing to an immediate supervisor about a policy that someone at an even higher level (the CEO) wrote. For this situation, take time to consider the power levels of everyone involved. In particular, consider carefully what action you should ask for (and how) and what kind of information your primary (and secondary) reader(s) would need to be persuaded to act. Consider, too, how your primary reader might use your message.


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Using Your supervisor's favourite medium,write an email explaining why facebook,twitter and other social networking technologies are valid and valuable business tools and ask for action within your reader's scope of power.

What action you should ask for(and how) and what kind of information your primary(and secondary) reader's would need to be persuaded to act.

My immediate job as per the question is to respond to the new dictate of the CEO of my organisation who has restricted the usage of all social media platforms for general employees in the firm except sales,Marketing and public relation departments on the ground that usage of Companie's time and computer for socialiing is highly inapproriate and willl lead to ground of revocation of job by writing an email to my immediate superior by convincing him on solid grounds to try him reverse the CEO's decision.

In the mail to my immediate superior I would first try to convince and ensure him the fact that there's no harm in socializing and usage of social media platform at the expense of Company's Loss and social media is the new domain of interaction which is to some extent a basic human right too,further there's no evidence to prove that socialising on social media platform has caused any serious harm to company's profitability that's why the CEO's latest dictate on partial ban on uage of social media platform must be abolished for greater benefit.

The sample email to my immediate Superior would something be like this:-


Mr.Ms _(Name of Your superior),

The(Designation of Your superior)

Subject: Request for initiating measures to amend CEO's Latest rule regarding partial ban on social media usage

Dear Sir,Mam

With all due respect I would like to bring your attention regarding certain facts and importance of social media usage with respect to Company's benefit and request You to take some constructive steps in order to revoke the CEO's extreme step of banning the usage of social media to the employees.

Sir prior to the banning of social media it must be known that social media has been used extensivly to the best benefit of the company by getting many important dividends such as finding potential sales,contracts at several large companies,coonnecting with peers in other companies to share ideas for working more efficiently and learning about some upcoming legislative mattersin our state.

Social media helps us in quick adoption to current business trends and enables us to make marketing and operations in congruence to the latest happenings of modern arena which is best known through use of social media .

There has been no solid evidence presented by the CEO to prove that social media has actually contributed to Company's loss in terms of time or work lag.

instead seeing the contribution of social media in past analysis it can be assessed that its reaped benefits are more than its demerits.

we as responsible employees are well aware of our statutory work ethics and discipline and we could assure you that we wont waste of our time in social media platform for personal talks instead we use it for company's potential benefit only so banning the use of social media would surely hit the sentiments of employees.

Social media is going to be the new domain of interaction both professional and personal and it is to some extent a basich human right so how can the ban of it be justified.

Social media is not only a ground of personal interaction but its now a source of arketing research,business analytics ,finding market leads and sometimes recruitment .

Everey employee of the company are ambassadors of it in social media and we can abruptly well address the concerns at ease and more promptly there.

If CEO fears that usage of social media may cause to loss of time and resources then a well fullproof inspection and surveillance mechanism might be installed to have real time check to online activities at office premises.

Thus To sum up we can see that Social media has contributed much to the success of company than losses therefore I request you to kindly review this rule and convince the CEO to revoke the order of partial ban of social media platform.

The entire work team would highly appreciate the constructive amendment to this order.

Hope for an early and positive response from You.

Thanking You in anticipation.

With Regards

Yours Sincerely

(Your Name and designation)

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