
In: Psychology

Based on the book on Health Psychology reading so far, develop a comprehensive plan you would...

Based on the book on Health Psychology reading so far, develop a comprehensive plan you would design to help someone charne this person's unhealthy behavior. This behavior might be smoking, eating unhealthy foods or, or not exercising. Use as many ideas or concepts from your reading as you can. be specific.


Expert Solution

Health is wealth . We know this sentences very well and on day to day activities we see also some advertisements or some articles or advertisements in television etc but how many of us think what we saw in our fast life ? Almost none. Do we know why ? Why we forgot this things easily even after seeing the matter and some of us might practicising unhealty behaviours regularly even after such things . The reason for such things are that we see but we dont feel it ,before feeling it vanished away from our mind . We all love our lives but how many of us spare atleast 10 minutes of time daily for free hand exercises.

So to get rid of unhealthy behaviour first one have to be mentally alert . Then only we can feel what unhealthy things we are doing on daily basis. If mind will not work then body will also not respond in any way. Some mental exercises are also there which helps in supplying more oxygen in the brain and that gives brain stress free and active. Next is food , this part can also be controlled if our brain is active and knows what we are eating or what we ought to eat for our comfort and easy digestion .

Next thing is that in todays world everything is available on internet but still old peoples prefers to go to the shops to buy things . If we analyse the thing we will came to know that they are more habituated with peace of mind which younger generation are not. They are insisted on features and fashions etc and ready to sacrifice with their comforts also which is very harmful.

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