Choose two infectious disease processes that either affect ventilation, oxygenation or perfusion. Describe in detail how the infectious process affects the lungs in each selected disease process. Focus on how the infections can cause problems with ventilation, gas exchange/diffusion across the alveoli, and oxygenation. Of the two infectious disease processes chosen, list the risk factors for each that predispose the patient to the infectious disease process. What are the complications of each disease process if left untreated?
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Be familiar with these terminology: bronchodilation, bronchoconstriction, airway resistance
Understand regulation of breathing ( medulla oblongata and pons) Specifically, what stimulates peripheral chemoreceptors vs. central chemoreceptors.
What are the effects of sympathetic nervous system and parasympathetic nervous system through the respiratory system? Understand ventilation/perfusion coupling.
Understand Hb & O2 transport and oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve, specifically, how pH, BPG, temperature, PO2 , and PCO2 will affect oxygen affinity for Hb.
What organ secretes erythropoietin(EPO) & what does this hormone do; understand which factors affect secretion of EPO. Understand the mechanism of Asthma as an obstructive
pulmonary disease.
Understand CO2 transport. Specifically, what are the 3 ways CO2 is transported in blood?
In: Anatomy and Physiology
In healthy people, pulmonary venous blood has a PO2 about 5 mmHg lower than is seen in the alveoli, which is mainly caused by:
competition with CO2 diffusion.
diffuse interstitial fibrosis.
ventilation-perfusion inequalities.
pulmonary edema.
In: Anatomy and Physiology
What does increasing sympathetic tone do to the respiratory system?
B. It increase pulmonary perfusion by increasing cardiac output. |
A. It increases blood pressure by contracting arterial smooth muscles, thus increasing pulmonary blood flow. |
C. It decreases pulmonary ventilation by bronchoconstriction. |
D. It increases pulmonary ventilation by bronchodilation. |
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Outline the physical and chemical factors controlling gas exchange between the alveoli and pulmonary capillaries. Diagram and describe the local signals and responses that help match ventilation and perfusion.
In: Anatomy and Physiology
1. Describe the dynamics of forced breathing (exercise)
2. Describe the effects of CO2 and O2 and pH on breathing.
3. What is ventilation-perfusion coupling?
4. Describe how CO2 and O2 are transported in blood. When describing carbon dioxide transport use the equations to describe the process at the lungs and at the tissues.
5. Describe using pressure gradients the diffusion of respiratory gases in internal respiration and external respiration.
6. Draw the hemoglobin-saturation curves (on the same graph) demonstrating non-exercise vs. exercise conditions.
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Describe how gravity alters ventilation and especially perfusion in the lungs.
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Present a brief discussion of the mechanisms of ventilation versus perfusion
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Ventilation VS Perfusion
(A) Present a brief discussion of how asthma is diagnosed
(B) Present a brief discussion of the difference between bronchitis and pneumonia
(C) Present a brief discussion of the mechanisms of ventilation versus perfusion
(D) Present a brief discussion of the role of the thoracic cage and associated musculature in breathing
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Mixture of Respiratory / Digestive System
a) How is oxygen transported in the blood?
b) What is the chloride shift? (explain please)
c) In ventilation-perfusion coupling how does the body respond to O2 flow and CO2 accumulation
d) Where is bile produced, where is it stored, what is it composed of:
e) What organ does the pancreas deliver enzymes to?
f) The function of hydrochloric acid in the digestive system is
In: Anatomy and Physiology
If a lung having a normal ventilation-perfusion ratio (=1) SUDDENLY develops ventilation-perfusion ratio <1, which of the following will occur? Explain
A decrease in arterial pO2
An increase in alveolar pO2
A decrease in cardiac output
A decrease in arterial pCO2
In: Anatomy and Physiology
why do upper regions of an upright lung have a larger ventilation-perfusion ratio and why lower regions of an upright lung have a smaller ventilation-perfusion ratio
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Which of the following is true about ventilation-perfusion coupling?
in alveoli where ventilation is inadequate, the partial pressure of oxygen is high
terminal arterioles dilate in areas where the partial pressure of oxygen is low
blood is shifted towards alveoli with low partial pressure of oxygen to enhance oxygen pick-up from lungs
in alveoli where ventilation is maximal, the partial pressure of oxygen is low
terminal arterioles dilate in areas where the partial pressure of oxygen is high
In: Anatomy and Physiology
2) What are ventilation and perfusion? Briefly explain how the process of ventilation-perfusion coupling is achieved
3) Briefly describe the steps of normal quiet inspiration and expiration.
In: Anatomy and Physiology
Explain the prep phase, action phase, and follow-through phase for a squat in detail.
In: Anatomy and Physiology