The educational opportunities which could have been missed
- The children's educational opportunities to go go and attend
the traditional education system. This has lead to disruption in
the normal education process making many to struggle to meet its
technological needs
The community health nurse intervention would be important and
- By creating awareness and preventing the spread of infection by
- The contact transmission among the people can be traced easily
and enable for early intervention
- Screening of the general population for infection and alerting
the healthcare department to take necessary actions
- It was even helpful for making every people realize the need of
social distancing and shelter in place
- Public understanding of a simple hand wash and wearing mask to
protect against infection can be promoted and educated
The importance of social distancing and shelter in place
- To control the spread of infection from the infected
- It can help to reduce unnecessary hospitalisation due to
- To indirectly reduce the medical expenditure both by the
patient and the healthcare sector
Some of the alternative social activities for these
community are
- Use of social media platforms is one of the best alternative
social activities which can be done by these tenants
- Creating awareness through their experience on these platforms