
In: Economics

PLEASE may someone Paraphrasing this essay and you can add ideas with paraphrasing and with reference....

PLEASE may someone Paraphrasing this essay and you can add ideas with paraphrasing and with reference.

Lack of education can contribute in the unemployment issue

How is education and employment related? Being educated means having at least basic knowledge of something like the knowledge we get from schools, or specific knowledge about something lie having a degree in any field. So, as your being more educated your increasing the probability of being employed. On the other hand, being uneducated does not mean they have no probability of getting employed, but it’s much less than being educated. For example, uneducated people’s may be employed only in limited places like mobile shops.

Whenever you want to go for an employment interview, or when someone reads your CV the first thing, they will look at is how much your educated or how much you have skills. If you’re not educated the probability of getting the job is much lower. When we hear that someone is searching for a job without being educated, we will directly know that it’s almost impossible especially in today’s competitive society. However, many people are uneducated for many reasons for example; education is very expensive nowadays, or sometimes it’s like traditions especially for girls to not study. Secondly, As we got from the survey more than 60% said that being uneducated can be a cause for the problem of unemployment, because; for instance, hospitals can’t hire uneducated people, or we can’t build our country on the hand of an uneducated engineers. Being uneducated can let you be employed in only limited places like mobile shops or at a station, unless the person can open their own business, or having special skills, which is much less in today’s world because of competitiveness. (Hanif, 2017)

Secondly, As indicated by the statistics, 53.3 % of the jobless are aged between 15 to 29. Absence of access to education and poor information, are the principle factors impacting unemployment, especially for the individuals who will in general be unskilled, on low wages or jobless. In addition, according to a some statistics 33.1% of Abu Dhabi’s population who does not have a degree were unemployed in 2017 ,and as mentioned by gulf business news that ‘Meanwhile the unemployment rate among Emiratis residing in Dubai increased by over one percentage point between 2016 and 2018, rising from 2.9 per cent in 2016 to 3.4 per cent in 2017, and 4 per cent in 2018.’ This will lead to poverty and an unstable society, migrating out of the country to find a job which will affect the economy of many countries, also it has psychological effects like depression.  (Puri-Mirza, 2019) (Nagraj, 2019)

Finally, this issue should be solved as fast as possible by many ways, firstly by providing free education at least for poor people, secondly; spread awareness about how much important is the women’s education, since if she got educated she could work and help her family and this could help the society to be more stable since there will be equal rights. thirdly, it should be mandatory for all kids globally to finish their schools. Lastly, the fees of universities should decrease and be possible for families to pay for it.

The government of the UAE is already trying to solve this problem because this will not only affect the people, but it will also affect the economy. As the interviewee Mansour Saleh mentioned that the government should build more schools where in these schools people who can’t offered their children in schools they should be able to go to these new schools by which UAE is already implementing that now in schools in Abu Dhabi called ‘tsamuh schools’ forgiveness schools. In addition, UAE is always providing equal rights for education and employment for women. And, when someone apply for a job the companies started concentrating more on experience and skills than education. (Croucher, 2014)

In conclusion, education is an important determinant of individual earnings as well as the employment status. Lucky, this country UAE is always trying to improve the education and solving the issue of education and how does it lead to unemployment since as mentioned before it will affect the individual, the society, and the world.


Expert Solution

Unemployment is a major problem, the rising population of today's world is facing. The average of unemployed are rising day be day, since the gap between the risch and poor is rising day by day, which has contributed to a larger section being under severe poverty while only a few people enjoy the joys of riches and certainly have more than what they actually need. The dicussion is more tilted towards poverty which is causing a major section deprived of education and we shall discuss this factor and revolve our obsrvation and statistical findings around how this factor alone can be considered a single most important cause an alarming rate of unemployment.

The reasons for low employability of an uneducated person are many, for example the plain lack of skill set required for specialized jobs which can be achieved only via education. Eg sectors like medical , egineering, etc. require skill set which need to be learned, and later the individual efficiency makes one good or best. The individual potential can undoubtedly be never underestimated, but education is needed as the core base to build anything out of personal potential. Highlighting the brighter side for unemployed, certain jobs like mobile phone workers , basically the workers required to do low skill works, are usually paid less, but are hiring most of the uneducated or unskilled people as discussed byHanif's work, 2017.

Discussing further the impacts of being unemployed over being uneducated causes high signs of depression among the job chasing class who are usually around the age of 15 to 29.  According to Puri Mirza, 2019 , ; Nagraj, 2019; although the employment rate in Abu dabi has risen to approximately one percent from the years - 2016-2018(2.9 to 4 percent), the rate of uneducated being unemployed has also raised to alarming rates keeping approximatelt 33.1 percent of this sectionunder category of being unemployed. The situation is not very optimistic for the poor ,a s discussed earlier, this kinf of structure pushes the unemployed to more poverty and the cycle never breakes for poor.

Fortuantely the govt. in UAE is not putting the poor class as casuality and constanly creates opportunity for poor and encourages them to come forward and break this cycle. The solution to this multilayered problem is majorly towards providing the vulnerable with basic education, either by making it cost efficient or absolutely free. Schools names TSAMUH SCHOOL are an example to such model. The inclusion and representation of women has also not been ignored by the UAE govt, and encourages them to join the employment class and make a better living for them selves.

The fight against poverty is for everyone to face. The continuous contribution of the govt is aprreciated and hope we reach towards a society of equality, freedom and poverty free space which allows everyone to grow.

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