
In: Computer Science

The computer has important parts such as the input/output, memory and CPU. The human has similar...

The computer has important parts such as the input/output, memory and CPU. The human has similar attributes making it possible to interact with computers. As an expert in Human Computer Interaction: a. How would you model a Human as a Processor? 6 marks b. Briefly explain 4 limitations of interactive performance. 4 marks c. Use switching of a light bulb to illustrate Norman’s cycle. 9 marks d. Differentiate between error and a slip. 1 mark


Expert Solution

1. Processor is the brain of the computer system. It can be comparable to human's brain. As human's brain can store and process the information, processor also processing the operations within the computer system. Human's brain is actually receiving information from our other body parts and process it and give back the message to other body parts.That is why we pains whenever we have injured with any of our body parts.Processor also receives information from several input devices.Within the processor unit,the control unit is actually coordinating all other units of the computer system.We can simulate the control unit as the nerve centre of human being. Our several parts of the body are connected toghether with the help of our nerve system.

2. Computation Limitation is one of the limitations encountered in interactive performance. If multiple task are running in the system,it takes lots of computation power.One of the other limitation is associated with graphics.For an interactive system graphics plays a major role.If the system is not able to provide enough graphical resources it may be a bottleneck.Thirdly,,interactive system may incur higher cost for its installation and set up.Similarly development of a complex interactive system takes a long amount of time.

3. Norman cycle consists of the phases establish goal,forming intention,specify action sequence,execute,perceive and interpret the system state and evaluate. If you are sitting in a room and reading books,if the light is not enough you wish to get more light.So your goal is to get more light.Now the intention is to switch on the the action sequence are goto the switch location and switch on the light.action may be changed if somebody is there in your room and standing nearby of switch.You will ask them to switch on light. If light is not came out,you will interpret that the bulb has gone or electricity has gone.If the light came, after this you will evaluate if there is enough light or not.If enough light,cycle complete.

4. Slip is actually a classification of error.Error is a state of being wrong. Slips are the mistakes came from you even you know that what to do.

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