
In: Operations Management

Assess your personal organizational managerial fit using the following criteria for your analysis. Describe the type...

Assess your personal organizational managerial fit using the following criteria for your analysis.

Describe the type of organization in which you will be happiest and most successful'

The management style that will work best for you as a subordinate and as a manager

Describe the potential problems with the type of organization style you are describing and explain how you will overcome them.

Please be realistic and through in your assessment of how you will be successful in today's competitive business environment.

Reflect on your professional and career goals and explain how you will accomplish them within the organizational structure management style that you describe.    


Expert Solution

1) Describe the type of organization in which you will be happiest and most successful

Answer - Given a choice I would prefer to work with the functional based organization

a) Job description and job requirement are clearly defined for each role within a function

b) Each Employee has clear roles and responsibilities without any overlap and understand how he/she contributes to the bottom line and top line

c) The Hierarchy level must be clear. Protocols are defined and known

d) Management regularly communicates with the employees and keep them informed about the growth/ Challenges and expectation from employees

e) The organization should have a provision of profit sharing in terms of bonus based on the pre-defined parameters so that each employee understand the importance of their contribution

f) All senior management team must be in reach of employees to discuss any grievance

g) The company must have strong value and governance system.

h) The SOPs are made of each process and for each function including the exception management


Describe the potential problems with the type of organization style you are describing and explain how you will overcome them.

Problem 1 – Defining a profit sharing model with employees is a challenge

Solution 1 – The KRA and KPI must be clearly defined and should be linked to business plan. The KPI of each subordinate must be linked with his manger and so On. Such KRA must be regularly monitored and measured in form of a scorecard at-least once within 2 months and Senior/ cross functional team shall give contribution in areas which needs corrective actiond

This will not only help in understanding contribution of each individual to calculate the bonus but will also help to take corrective actions wherever the results are not achieved

Problem 2 – In Fixed SOP and Process driven organization, it becomes difficult to run business at the time of crises ( for example corona outbreak in 2020)

Answer 2 – The organization must also have a Business continuality model wherein if required SOP/ process can be by passed to run the business. In-fact Organization must promote innovation and must have a Centre of excellence cell which works on innovation and disruptive ideas.

The centre of Excellence cell must involve people in various projects to bring innovation and add value to the organization.

Problem 3 – Some times employees find it mundane to perform in same function with pre-defined SOPs for a longer time

Solution 3 – Organization must be open to give opportunity to employees to take up cross functional roles after checking their maturity and competencies. This will help employees to learn and enhance their skills. This will also help the organization to build leaders and employees who can handle variety of roles in case of need.


Please be realistic and through in your assessment of how you will be successful in today's competitive business environment.

Answer - Working in Such organization will help:-

a) Gain strength in the functional area by following and practicing mature level of SOPs and systems

b) Opportunity to learn cross functional roles and grow as a leader

c) Clearly understand my contribution in company’s performance

d) Frame corrective action plan to meet the business plan

e) Lead projects driving innovations


Reflect on your professional and career goals and explain how you will accomplish them within the organizational structure management style that you describe

Answer - Professional and career goals

a) Engagement in work – With clearly defined Role & Responsibility

b) Compensations – Each employee clearly understand how their performance is linked to the rewards

c) Development – Monitoring of KRA/KPI and framing corrective action plans with the inputs of seniors and cross-functional heads will help in personal development

d) Cross functional opportunities – Skill enhancement and new learning opportunities

e) Career Growth – Once you can clearly demonstrate your performance by consistently achieving results as per KRA scorecard, management will have no excuse in promoting you for next set of roles

f) People management & Team building – Clear Protocols and hierarchy will help you in developing people management skills. Even you will be monitoring the KRA scores of your team and will be giving suggestions for their improvement, as their results will have impact in your performance.

g) Entrepreneurship- The Centre of excellence cell will help you to propose your ideas to management for the growth of your company and even it allows you to lead and drive projects proposed by you irrespective of your present hierarchy in the organization.

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