In: Nursing
When can informed consent be overridden?
5. Who is authorized to sign an informed consent besides the patient?
It is the patient's autonomous decision about whether to undergo a procedure.
Valid informed consent
voluntary consent
Valid consent must be freely given, without any compulsion. Patient must be atleast 18 years of age (unless an emancipated minor), consent must be obtained by a physician and patient's signature must be witnessed by a professional staff member.
Incompetent patient
Legal definition : Individual who is not autonomous and connot give or withhold consent. (Eg: Individuals who are cognitively impaired, mentally ill, or neurologically incapacitated )
Informed subject
Informed content should be in writing. It should contain the following ;
> Explanation of procedure and its risks.
> Description of benefits and alternatives.
> An offer to answer questions about procedure.
> Instructions that the patient may withdraw consent.
> A statement informing the patient if the protocol differs from customary procedure.
Patient able to comprehend
If the patient is non language speaking, it is necessary to provide consent( written or verbal ) in a language that is understandable to the client. A trained medical interpreter may be consulted. A alternative communication ( eg: Braille) may be needed it the patient has a disability that affects vision or hearing.
Questions must be answered to facilitate comprehension if material is confusing.
While the nurse may ask the patient to sign the consent form and witness the signature, it is the physician's responsibility to provide a clear and simple explanation of what the procedure will entail prior to the patient giving consent. The physician must also inform the patient of the benefits , alternatives, possible risks, complications, disfigurement, disability e.t.c as well as what to expect in the early and late post procedure period.
The nurse clarifies the information provided and if the patient requires additional information, the nurse notifies the physician. The nurse ensure that the consent form has been signed before administering psychoactive medication, because consent is not valid if it is obtained while the patient is under the influence of medications that can affect judgement and decision making capacity.
when informed consent be overriden?
In an emergency, It may be necessary for the physician to do life saving measures without the patient's informed consent.
However, every effort must be made to contact the patient's family. It can be through telephone, fax etc.
who is authorized to sign an informed consent besides the patient?
The patient personally signs the consent if of legal age and mentally capable.
Permission is otherwise obtained from a surrogate , who must often is a responsible family member (preferably next kin) or legal guardian.
# Procedure for obtaining consent vary among states, settings and agencies.