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Why is understanding yourself important in your career development? How can you ensure that an employer...

Why is understanding yourself important in your career development? How can you ensure that an employer will realize that you have a clear grasp of who you are and what you have to offer?


Expert Solution

Career development is a long term process through which we align our knowledge and experience to reach the desired position in future. Career development cannot be made possible without ensuring good performance in the current job and understanding own capabilities and skills are very essential for successful job performance. We need to evaluate our personal goals and how far our skills matches with the goals set. Understanding of own capabilities and limitations would help to identify the improvement areas and work towards overcoming the limitations. It will also help to select jobs that we are really interested and career interest is directly related to job satisfaction. We cannot develop our career if we are not satisfied by the job we perform. Also we can develop our knowledge and skills in the particular area if we have clear understanding of our knowledge level. The motivating factors play an important role in career development as it encourages us to reach our career goals and motivators are different for different individuals. For example when some of the employees are motivated by position, some others are motivated by higher pay and rewards. We cannot identify the factor that motivates us without having better understanding about ourselves.

An employer can realize whether we have a clear grasp of who you are and what we have to offer by analyzing our behavior and performance. When we have clear understanding of our capabilities and interests we would feel more confident and would consider each risk we face in our daily work as a new opportunity for improvement. We would feel energized and the employer can identify the same in all our activities. We would be more interested towards learning new things and accomplishing new tasks when we feel confident of ourselves. The employees who can offer more value to the organization would always be ready to take up new responsibilities and those who are not clear about their goals and capabilities would be reluctant to take up new challenges and responsibilities.

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