Ans) When one's leadership practices are challenged then,
leaders uses or needs to display:
* Communication skills:
- Interpretation of body language: When you’re able to read
thoughts and sentiments that aren’t revealed by a person’s words,
you have many clear advantages.
- Listening carefully: In our modern global society, the skill of
listening has taken a back seat. Voice inflections, verbal pauses
and eye contact have been replaced with texts, thumbs-up icons and
emoticons. While electronic communications make long-distance
interaction easier than ever before, it has unfortunately hindered
our ability to really listen during an information-rich
conversation. So by listening carefully will be able to pick out
the hidden gem.
- Crystal clear verbal communication:As a general rule, people do
not listen attentively. Therefore, it’s your job as a leader to
speak as clearly and effectively as possible.
- Writing skills:Excellent writers say a lot with as few words as
possible so the leaders should have this skill.
* Leadership styles:
- Take time to think
- Look inside: strength, value, and their aspiration
- Rethink time and team:Leaders need to recognize the wealth of
resources available to them when they maximize their time and use
the supportive people in their lives to help them achieve.
- Work with coach or mentor: Personal leadership is supported by
a partner who can pose thoughtful questions, make observations, and
help leaders learn to see new possibilities.
Look for ways to align and integrate one's life. The closer
leaders can tie their true selves to their leadership roles, and in
turn their leadership roles and their lives, the happier and
healthier they will be--on all fronts.