Creating a Covid-19 app in 2 weeks can be challenging. Because
of this, we will only focus on the main features/activities of the
app, being self-identification, and contact tracing.
Apart from this, we will also need a faster developmental
architecture/language for the development which will speed up the
Let us assume that we will be using the following framework
stack for the development of the Covid-19 mobile app:
- Flutter for Mobile app development (Android and iOS)
- Firebase Authentication for login
- Firebase cloud firestore for the database
- Firebase storage for storage
- and Firebase cloud notifications for over the air push
Reasons for Choosing Flutter for development:
Flutter is a cross platform framework that let's you develop
your applications in both Android and iOS using the same codebase.
Flutter also has a hot reload feature that ships the new code to
the device in a matter of seconds, which greatly improves the
developmental speed.
Reasons for choosing Firebase as the backend:
As firebase and flutter go hand in hand, the integration process
for Auhentication, database and storage is just a matter of
Having this configuration will save months of developmental and
set up time.
4.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) of

Gantt chart:

- Deciding Project scope:
- Initially, we will have to decide the project scope before the
design and development begins.
- For out project, we will be skipping "user interview" section,
as this can take a long time, and we have the target audience
already defined.
- Planning will include project and scope planning. What
activities and features can we include, and which ones we will
cross off for the initial MVP.
- Design and research
- We will do away with the creating user personas. Since we are
not taking user interviews, creating user personas will not be
- This can save us 5 to 6 days depending upond the number of
users to be interviewed and questions.
- we will straight away begin with getting the wireframes ready
for the bole app.
- Once the wirefeamres are finalised by the team. dsigners can
create final high fiedality mockups to pass on to the
- Development
- This will include the development of all the core features
including authentication, profile management, self identification
and contact tracing.
- Q&A and Testing
- Once the development for the MVP is done, the build along with
the documentation will be passed onto the testing team to do a
overall testing of the design and all the edge cases.
- Re-Development
- After the Q&A team has been through their testing,
developmental team will have to go over all the bugs and fix
- After all the bugs are fixed, the new build will again be
passed on to the testing team (step 4) to retest the affected
- If more bugs are found, the last twosteps (4 and 5) will be
repeated in a loop till the app is bug free
- Deliverables
- As the app is not to be released (initially) but has to get
investor's approval first, deployment is not included in the
initial cycle.
- This again saves time deployment and hosting.
4.2 Figure out which activities you would like to crash
in order to compress the duration of your project to 2 weeks.
Explain how you chose these crashed activities in
I would like to crash:
- Initial User questionnaire: This is because
interacting with a bunch of users and analyzing their feedback
cannot be done in the given timeframe. Also, We do know the
majority of the market state, and so do not have to redefine the
target audience for this project
- User Persona: In the same way, creating
different user personas can take a while. For our current project,
we only need to deliver an MVP, to the investor, as the market is
already defined. Every potential user who is worried about their
family is a target audience.
- Covid 19 news: Many Covid 19 apps have this.
Although, this is not the main USP for our app. Users will install
out app for contact tracing, making Contact tracing the most
valuable feature in the app. Adding an RSS news feed may not take
more than a day, although testing lifecycle can make this a longer
4.3: ITIL lifecycle processes for this project will
follow the standard process:

4.4: The three best suited customer feedback questions
would be:
- Would you be rather have an app monitoring your location at all
the times to help you prevent going near the infected areas /
people, or would you not risk your privacy?
- This Is the one question that can decide future conversion of
the app at a large rate.
- From a developer point of view, we need to have location turned
on at all the times to ensure the geographical trajectory of the
user in order to trace the spread.
- Even if the use of location is limited and vital, it raises
questions on privacy and can ultimately lead to uninstalls.
- In the future updates, we can certainly work to get the trust
of our users by having their data downloadable / delectable.
- Would you like to have the self identification optional or
- If self identification is required, many users who are not
willing to comply may just uninstall the app, and look for another
- Many users may want to keep this feature as an absolute
compulstion in order to make the tracking more accurate and
everyone safer.
- Would you recommend this app to your friends?
- This one worded question is asked in all the apps you come
across, for important reason- it works.
- From the answer to this trend, we can figure out if the mass
users are happy with the app or not.
- We can certainly follow this question up by "Why / Why