
In: Psychology

After reading chapter 4, identify the major changes that took place in the DSM-5. Do you...

After reading chapter 4, identify the major changes that took place in the DSM-5. Do you think these changes were positive changes? Consider what changes you think might take place when the DSM 6 is published. Make sure to cite your sources.


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Major changes that took place in DSM 5:

  • In DSM 5 , there is a single diagnostic category of substance use disorder. But in DSM 4 substance use disorder is divided into two separate diagnosis of substance abuse and substance dependence.
  • Physiological subtypes and the diagnosis of polysubstance dependence is eliminated from DSM-5.
  • DSM -5 contain new depressive disorder such as disruptive mood dysregulation disorder and premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
  • In DSM 5 , there is no obsessive compulsive disorder or post traumatic stress disorder in the chapter on anxiety disorder.
  • Subtype of schizophrenia mentioned in DSM 4 is also eliminated in DSM 5 due to their limited diagnostic stability and reliability etc.

There is both positive and negative changes in DSM 5 . Many of them support DSM 5 changes and many of them are against the changes.

Some of the possible changes if DSM 6 is published:

  • In DSM 6 there should be a change in the method of changing the diagnostic system.
  • Elimination of Asperger disorder in DSM 5 is a very important controversial change. In DSM 6 there should be more reliable information should be added related Asperger disorder.
  • A new diagnosis will be added in DSM 6 , ie diagnosis for pediatric bipolar disorder.


Frances A : DSM - 5 writing mistakes will cause great confusion . Huffport science 2013 .

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